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057 "client connection refused " on nb server using ndmp to take the backup of san share

Level 4

I have added san filer as the client in the netbackup server

I am using the ndmp to take the backup of a san share on a tape library.

it was working fine until the san rebooted due to the power failure.

Now when i try to access the filer in the clients of the nb server.

I am getting the error  status: 057 "client connection refused "


Partner    VIP   
That's normal. A NDMP device has not the Netbackup client installed

You can check connectivity by issuing this command :  set_ndmp_attr -very {filer_name}  (Use "set_ndmp_attr -list" if you are unsure of the same )

The command should output something like this:

Connecting to host "ns80-9m-01-nn01" as user "ndmp"...
Waiting for connect notification message...
Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4...
Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4
host supports TEXT authentication
Logging in using TEXT method...
Host info is:
  host name "server_2"
  os type "DartOS"
  os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T."
  host id "abc1997"
Login was successful
Host supports LOCAL backup/restore
Host supports 3-way backup/restore

If it succeeds, then I would presume everything is O.K.