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Level 2

After upgrading my master and media servers to, I have an ghost client that is in one of my policies.  Actually, the client isn't in the policy (it used to be over a year ago) and it is no longer a client in the client list but somehow, it shows up in the activity monitor but in none of my reports.


Is there anyway to have Netbackup re-read the policy?




Level 2

Maybe this is a better way to form the question.


Is there a way to reset NBPEM for user directed policies? When I do a nbpemreq - predict...  all I see are the Full, Incremental,or Vault, but not a user-directed policy.  The policy that has the ghost client is a SQL Agent policy that is scheduled for 24/7.


I have tried resetting the activation for the policy as well as nbpemreq -updatepolicies but I still get the errors for this non-existent client once a day right after midnight.


Methinks that Netbackup still has an NBPEM bug....