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A Script to Create Volume Pools, add Tapes, add Policy, add Schedules

Level 6

Hi all,


I want to make a script:


create 20 volume pools: "INCR01 - INCR20". In "INCR01" comes  tape "TAPE01" ..."INCR20" comes tape "TAPE20"


create 14 volume pools: "FULL01 - FULL14". In "FULL01" comes tape "TAPE21"... in "FULL14" comes tape "TAPE34"


create 2 volume pools: "FULLM01-FULM02". In "FULLM1" comes tape"TAPE35" and in  "FULLM2" comes tape "TAPE36"


create 1 volume pool: "FULLQ1". In "FULLQ1" comes tape "TAPE37"



And after all pools are created come 1 Policy with 37 Schedules. 1 Schedule for each tape.


20 Tape for 20 Daily incremental  backup (Monday-Friday)  .....{for 4 Weeks are 20 work days}

14 Tape for 14 Weekly full backup just Saturday              ..... {for 3 Month are 12, 13 or 14 weeks}

2 Tape for 2 Monthly full backup just in last Saturday of Month  {each Month 1 Tape go OUT(safe place)}

1 Tape for 1 Quarterly full backup just in last Saturday of March, June, September and  December.  {all at 3 months/quarterly 1 tape go OUT(safe place)}


Can I create SCRIPT for all of this????????


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

Just do the Following:


Go to :


1. Install Path\Volmgr\bin in command prompt


2. type the location of the Script file in your case "c:\scripts\script_backup.vbs" and Press Enter


Let me Know the OutPut !


View solution in original post


Level 6
"Can I create SCRIPT for all of this??" :))) yes i can but HOW????????????

knows someone to do such a script?????? ? or just help me to design so a script.


Level 6

Batch File:


VB Script:


This will help you  to create volme pools and add tapes to volume pool.


Repeat the above Scripts for Policy Creation and Schedule Creation by using following commands:


Create Polciy :


install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bppolicynew policy_name [-verbose] [-M master_server,...] install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bppolicynew policy_name -sameas existing_policy_name [-verbose] [-M master_server,...] install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bppolicynew existing_policy_name -renameto policy_name [-verbose] [-M master_server,...]


Create Schedule:


install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpplsched policy_name [-v] [-M master_server...] [-L | -l | -U] [-label sched_label]  install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpplsched policy_name [-v] [-M master_server...] -delete sched_label ... install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpplsched policy_name [-v] [-M master_server...] -deleteall install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpplsched policy_name [-v] [-M master_server...] -add sched_label [-st sched_type] [-freq frequency] [-mpxmax mpx_factor] [-number_copies number] [-synthetic 0|1] [-pfi_fast_recovery 0|1] [-rl retention_level [,rl_copy2,...,rl_copyn]] [-residence storage_unit_label [,stunit_copy2,...stunit_copyn]] [-pool volume_pool_label [,pool_copy2,...pool_copyn] [-res_is_stl 0|1] [-fail_on_error 0|1[,0|1,...,0|1]] [-sg share_group [,share_copy2,...share_copyn] [-window start_duration] [-cal 0|1|2] [-ut] [-incl mm/dd/yyyy] [-excl

mm/dd/yyyy] [-weekday day_name_week] [-dayomonth value | l]



Let me Know If you have more clarifications !

Level 6

 I have tried with this script but doesn´t work. error: "Expexted end of statements 800A0401"



Dim IDCount,tpvmno


For IDCount= 0 to 20

strcommandvm="vmpool -create -pn INCR" & IDCount & " -description INCR" & IDCount tpvmno=IDCount+4 strcommandtp="vmadd -m TAPE" & IDCount & " -mt HCART2 -p " & tpvmno

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objExec = objShell.Exec("SETX HOMEPATH C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin")

Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strcommandvm)

Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strcommandtp)


Wscript.Echo "Task Completed. Thanks for using the script!!!!"



What missing?? 


Thaks for reply.

Marius D.

Level 6

Dim IDCount,tpvmno


Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

For IDCount= 0 to 20

strcommandvm="vmpool -create -pn INCR" & IDCount & " -description INCR" & IDCount


strcommandtp="vmadd -m TAPE" & IDCount & " -mt HCART2 -p " & tpvmno

Set objExec = objShell.Exec("SETX HOMEPATH C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin")

Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strcommandvm)

Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strcommandtp)


Wscript.Echo "Task Completed. Thanks for using the script!!!!"

Run the above Script in Command prompt, Dont Run this file in GUI.


Let me know the Output !!!

Level 6

Hi Karthikeyan,


the Output: 



C:\>cscript c:\scripts\script_backup.vbs

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.


c:\scripts\script_backup.vbs(17, 1) WshShell.Exec: The system cannot find the file specified.



what file can´t the system not find???



Marius D.

Level 6

Just do the Following:


Go to :


1. Install Path\Volmgr\bin in command prompt


2. type the location of the Script file in your case "c:\scripts\script_backup.vbs" and Press Enter


Let me Know the OutPut !


Level 6

Thank you Karthikeyan for your help. Now work. Iuhuuuu :D. My first experience withscripts :))).


with respect,

Marius D.