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BMRReservedSpace - what is this file

Level 4
I've been asked to find out what the BMRReservedSpace file is used for and if we can move it.  I've found it in C:\Windows\System32\BMR folder (or %windows%\system32\BMR) and it is 800MB.  I have a few questions in regards to this:
1.) Where is this file documented in BMR guides?  I did not see it in the SysAdmin guide referenced anywhere
2.) Can this be moved to an alternative location?  (My assumption is no, but I want to make sure)
3.) What is the purpose of the file?  I would love to know what purpose it serves.  My guess is that it is the space dedicated for the SRT and necessary Service Packs.
The version of Netbackup we are running is NB 6.0 MP6.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Certified
The BMRReservedSpace file is created to reserve space for the restore. Don't think it can be moved at all and is required for a restore. Not much info i know about it, but is about all i know about it.

Message Edited by Nick Morris on 06-17-2008 08:33 AM

Level 4
I saw that TechNote as well - just curious why in versions from 4.5 to 6.0 MP6 it jumped from 500 MB to 800MB and there is no documentation on it whatsoever other than this technote.   The only reason is that if our Netbackup client is going to require an addtional 800MB of space, I need to let the system builders know so they can account for the additional required OS space