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Backup failed, but no policy or the schedule is listed

Level 5
hi everyone,

i have encounterd a situation were a backup job is failed with status code 58 (The server was unable to connect to the client.) so thought to manually restart the job but i dont see the policy or the schedule listed for the failed backup job.
so hw do i restart the job

waiting for quike response from anyone plz.....


Level 6
Verify the Client is communicating properly:

* bpclncmd -ip --> from both client and server
* bpclntcmd -hn --> from both client and server
* bpclntcmd -pn --> from client only
run bpcoverage -c clientname to verify connectivity.
run nslookup hostname and nslookup IP adress to verify dns is working.
insure the media servers name is in the client bp.conf
telnet to client to verify netbackup client telnet clientname bpcd
You can also ftp a large file from the client to the
media server to verify connectivity and speed.
How to test client connections using the bptestbpcd command with Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0.

check hosts files on both machines
It could be a couple things. Mostly DNS, bp.conf, nis

to restart jobs go to the admin console and restart in activity monitor.

Level 5
im using veritas 5.1

ping returns unknown host, so ithink there is connectivity problem, hw do i get rid of it

bpclncmd -ip --> command is not recognized. (may be because of netback up version 5.1 )

bpclntcmd -hn :

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn smsln151
gethostbyname failed for smsln151: HOST_NOT_FOUND (11001)
alter client: smsln151 : not found. (11001)

bpcoverage -c clientname command is not recognized.

Level 6

I will try next steps:

1. Please verify the next info
ifconfig -a

ipconfig /all
Go to Start - Programs - Backup, Archive and Restore client, under the File menu click on the Specify Netbackup Machines option and send the servers and clients listed that appear on every tab,

2. Be sure the backup interfaces are up and able to ping the netbackup master server

3. Check that DNS is properly configured and match the server name with the IP even for production and backup interefaces, run:

If this fails you must check your DNS server or add the client name and IP to the hosts file

4. Run the next commands to check the communication between the Netbackup Client and the Master Server Services.
UNIX: under /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
bpclntcmd -hn
bpclntcmd -ip
bpclntcmd -self
bpclntcmd -pn

Windows: C:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin
bpclntcmd -hn
bpclntcmd -ip
bpclntcmd -self
bpclntcmd -pn

NOTE: If a media server is in the environment try this commands in the media server too, between client and master, sometimes the communication issue is between media server and client.

5. In some ocations the ICMP or ping is not allowed, so ping will not work, but a good way to see if netbackup is running in the client and you are able to connect, run the next two commands:
telnet bpcd
bpgetconfig -M -x

Hope this helps.

Level 5
Hello Venkatesh,
Since i can see "ping returns unknown host, so ithink there is connectivity problem, hw do i get rid of it
the server is not able to resolve the client name, the best way to get rid of this is add entry in hosts file on both the server and clinet.


Level 6
> im using veritas 5.1
> ping returns unknown host, so ithink there
> is connectivity problem, hw do i get rid of it

Check if you have proper routing on NBU server as well as on client. Check if there is a DNS record for the client.

> bpclncmd -ip --> command is not
> recognized. (may be because of netback up version 5.1
> )
There is a typo in command you used. It is blclntcmd on bpclcmd

> bpclntcmd -hn :
> C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn
> smsln151
> gethostbyname failed for smsln151: HOST_NOT_FOUND
> (11001)
> alter client: smsln151 : not found. (11001)

Check DNS records. Either You are missing entry for client in question in DNS or you are not pointing to correct DNS server. Make sure you have both forward as well as reverse lookup in DNS.