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Backup is failing with media manager received no data for backup image(90)

Level 3

Hi Friends,


Full backups on Windows 2003 client are failing with error code 90(media manager received no data for backup image).

Master is AIX box and NBU version is

Please suggest me to resolve this..





Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Excluded: F:

Change Exclude List to F:\*


View solution in original post


Level 3

Backup is failing when backing up the particular drive.. Please see the bpkar logs below


1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> WinMain: DAT - _pgmptr = 'F:\spf\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe'
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> WinMain: DAT - lpCmdLine = '-r 31536000 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -bpstart_time 0 -clnt FNPCPGO03 -class go_fp_fnpcpgo03 -sched Monthly -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 900 -ckpt_time 1800 -blks_per_buffer 255 -stream_count 6 -stream_number 4 -jobgrpid 80516 -use_otm -use_ofb -b FNPCPGO03_1373308834 -kl 3 -fso -ct 13 '
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> date_debug: DAT - timezone: Central Standard Time, offset=21600, dst: Central Daylight Time
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> date_debug: DAT - current time: 1373309779, 7/8/2013 1:56:19 PM
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> date_debug: DAT - 01/01/94 UCT: 757382400, 12/31/1993 7:00:00 PM
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> date_debug: DAT - 07/01/94 UCT: 773020800, 6/30/1994 7:00:00 PM
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard input handle = 460
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard output handle = 1716
1:56:19.873 PM: [1440.3224] <2> WinMain: DAT - standard error handle = 1736
1:56:19.889 PM: [1440.3224] <8> tar_process_backup_args: WRN - invalid option: -bpstart_time 0
1:56:19.889 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup::V_SetupJobData: INF - dwJobData: ffffffff
1:56:19.889 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup::V_SetupJobData: INF - dwJob: ffffffff
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - backup privileges enabled, previous = 0
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - restore privileges enabled, previous = 0
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - security privileges enabled, previous = 0
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - tcb privileges enabled, previous = 0
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - create token privileges enabled, previous = 0
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - user name: root
1:56:19.951 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_PreProcessing: INF - no access token: scheduled backup
1:56:19.967 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: WRN - ubsDetermineExchangeVersion(): RegOpenKeyEx() failed for HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup - 0x2.
1:56:19.967 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - BEDS_Init() Enter InitFlags:0x0
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: C:
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: E:
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: F:
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: G:
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: H:
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Microsoft Terminal Services
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Microsoft Windows Network
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Symantec SNAC Network Provider
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Web Client Network
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Shadow?Copy?Components
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: System?State
1:56:20.076 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - DumpDleInfo() DLE Device Name: Active Directory Application Mode
1:56:20.108 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - BACKUP START 1440
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupProcessContinue: TAR - CONTINUE BACKUP received
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - CONTINUE BACKUP message received
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup_cpr::start: INF - checkpoint thread started
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_backup_tfi::setupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = F:\
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.7948] <4> tar_base::keepaliveThread: INF - keepalive thread is active with an interval of 60 seconds
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_backup_vxbsa::add: INF - called with 'F:\'
1:56:20.295 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyFileList: INF - UBS Local Type for 'F:\' --> 10020002
1:56:26.139 PM: [1440.3224] <4> backup_create: INF - NetBackup Temp Directory: 'F:\spf\\NetBackup\Temp'
1:56:26.139 PM: [1440.3224] <16> tar_backup::SetExcludeFileList: **** DBG **** - alternate client fileter file is null
1:56:26.155 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup_tfi::UpdateExcludeListWithVHD: INF - UpdateExludeListWithVHD begin
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Excluded: F:
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: 0 files
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: file data: 0 bytes
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: image data: 0 bytes
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: elapsed time: 1 secs 0 bps
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - number of file directives not found: 0
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - number of file directives found: 1
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.7948] <4> tar_base::keepaliveThread: INF - keepalive thread terminating (reason: WAIT_OBJECT_0)
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> tar_base::stopKeepaliveThread: INF - keepalive thread has exited. (reason: WAIT_OBJECT_0)
1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
1:56:30.061 PM: [1440.3224] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (460) (TCP 10054: Connection reset by peer)
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::tfs_reset: INF - Snapshot deletion start
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> OVStopCmd: INF - EXIT - status = 0
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_Close: closing...
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <4> dos_backup::tfs_reset: INF - Snapshot deletion start
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - BEDS_Term(): enter - InitFlags:0x00000101
1:56:31.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - BEDS_Term(): ubs specifics: 0x001d0000
1:56:33.077 PM: [1440.3224] <4> OVShutdown: INF - Finished process
1:56:33.077 PM: [1440.3224] <4> WinMain: INF - Exiting F:\spf\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe
1:56:35.077 PM: [1440.3224] <4> ov_log::OVClose: INF - Closing log file: F:\spf\NetBackup\logs\BPBKAR\070813.LOG


Partner    VIP   

NetBackup status code: 90

Symantec recommendation for status 90.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

1:56:27.061 PM: [1440.3224] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Excluded: F:

Change Exclude List to F:\*


Level 3

Its worked now. Thanks a lot.!!!!

Level 6
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