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Backup is faling with error 90.90: media manager received no data for backup image

Level 3

Backup is faling with error 90.90: media manager received no data for backup image.

client: Windows2003

master : Linux ver

detailed error log:11/07/2015 06:56:40 - Info nbjm (pid=25408) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=4211022, request id:{FD1312AE-854E-11E5-A566-13C5D513B1AA})
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - requesting resource usnbub5504-omaram-dd-1-lsu-dp-su
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - requesting resource usnbub5500.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.usnbsf5101c-brn
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - requesting resource usnbub5500.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Win-Fileserv-FS
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - granted resource  usnbub5500.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.usnbsf5101c-brn
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - granted resource  usnbub5500.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Win-Fileserv-FS
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=omaha-dd-1-lsu;DiskPool=omaha-dd-1-lsu-dp;Path=omaha-dd-1-lsu;StorageServe...
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - granted resource  usnbub5504-omaha-dd-1-lsu-dp-su
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - estimated 9705814 kbytes needed
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - Info nbjm (pid=25408) resumed backup job for client usnbsf5101c-brn, policy Win-Fileserv-FS, schedule Full on storage unit usnbub5504-omaha-dd-1-lsu-dp-su
11/07/2015 06:56:40 - started process bpbrm (pid=21286)
11/07/2015 06:56:41 - connecting
11/07/2015 06:56:42 - Info bpbrm (pid=21286) starting bpbkar on client
11/07/2015 06:56:42 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bpbkar (pid=4560) Backup started
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bpbrm (pid=21286) bptm pid: 21287
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bptm (pid=21287) start
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bptm (pid=21287) using 262144 data buffer size
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bptm (pid=21287) setting receive network buffer to 262144 bytes
11/07/2015 06:56:43 - Info bptm (pid=21287) using 32 data buffers
11/07/2015 06:56:45 - Info bptm (pid=21287) start backup
11/07/2015 06:56:45 - Info bptm (pid=21287) backup child process is pid 21294
11/07/2015 06:56:45 - begin writing
11/07/2015 06:56:48 - Warning bpbrm (pid=21286) from client usnbsf5101c-brn: WRN - can't open directory: E: (WIN32 21: The device is not ready. )
11/07/2015 06:56:48 - Info bptm (pid=21287) waited for full buffer 1 times, delayed 177 times
11/07/2015 07:00:04 - Info bptm (pid=21287) EXITING with status 90 <----------
11/07/2015 07:00:05 - Info bpbkar (pid=4560) done. status: 90: media manager received no data for backup image
11/07/2015 07:00:05 - end writing; write time: 0:03:20
11/07/2015 07:10:05 - Info nbjm (pid=25408) starting backup job (jobid=4211022) for client usnbsf5101c-brn, policy Win-Fileserv-FS, schedule Full
11/07/2015 07:10:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=21511) usnbsf5101c-brn is the host to backup data from
11/07/2015 07:10:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=21511) reading file list from client
11/07/2015 07:10:08 - Info bpbrm (pid=21511) starting bpbkar on client
11/07/2015 07:10:08 - Info bpbkar (pid=3032) Backup started
11/07/2015 07:10:08 - Info bpbrm (pid=21511) bptm pid: 21512
11/07/2015 07:10:08 - Info bptm (pid=21512) start
11/07/2015 07:10:09 - Info bptm (pid=21512) using 262144 data buffer size
11/07/2015 07:10:09 - Info bptm (pid=21512) setting receive network buffer to 262144 bytes
11/07/2015 07:10:09 - Info bptm (pid=21512) using 32 data buffers
11/07/2015 07:10:10 - Info bptm (pid=21512) start backup
11/07/2015 07:10:10 - Info bptm (pid=21512) backup child process is pid 21519
media manager received no data for backup image  (90)




Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Have you seen this error? "WRN - can't open directory: E: (WIN32 21: The device is not ready. )" You need to check on the client to see what the issue is with the E-drive.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Have you seen this error? "WRN - can't open directory: E: (WIN32 21: The device is not ready. )" You need to check on the client to see what the issue is with the E-drive.

Level 3
Thanks Marriane for the response. Actually E drive is not accessible on client.. So that why backup is failing but why it did not fail with71

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Was there E-drive at any stage? Does bpmount command report E-drive? Somehow the OS seems to think there is an E-drive and then when backup requests the OS to read data, it gives the 'device not ready' error. What is specified in the Backup Selection? Is Allow multiple data streams selected in the policy?

Level 3

all local drives is selected as backup selection and allow multiple data stream is selected. May be thats why its failing with 90. Had we mentioned the specific drive letter then this could have been failed with error 71.

Thanks for your help Marianne