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Backup to disk compression - SQL

Level 6
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone was using compression when running to a disk staging area?

I have an issue where I have alot of large SQL backups and not enough tape drives to run them to. As far as I am aware SQL backups are not able/recommended to be multiplexed so I thought I would run them to disk and have more concurrent writes to disk.

If I do this I need to use the compression option to fit them on the disk.

Am I doing this the best way? I would rather get them all straight off to tape is possible!



Level 5
The Images will be gzipped on the disk - this consumes some CPU from your mediaserver. When you duplicate the images to tape, they will become uncompressed and compressed by the tape drive - it depends on your mediaservers hardware and the storage you use as disk storage unit how fast this will work.