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Can NBU 6 image stored on VTL to be used in multiple vault jobs

Level 6
Is it possible to use an NBU 6 image stored on the VTL to be used in multiple vault jobs?  We have a situation in which our weekly fulls and daily cumulatives are vaulted each day.  However, when we reach month-end, we would like to go back to the VTL and use the last weekly full and last cumulative NBU images to create our month-end vault tapes.  Synthetics are out of the question since we use FlashBackup on several of our servers.
Our vendor says that once an image has been vaulted, it cannot be used by another vault job.  We are running the Windows version of NBU 6 MP4.  Please let me know if this can be done?

Level 6
Yes you can have the same backup image duplicated (vault) couple times, if that's what you want.
The limitation is - how many backup pcopies are allowed in your environment?  Check your setting of "Maximum backup copies" in Master server's Global Attributes properties.  For example, if you only allow 2 copies maximum, you can only vault/duplicate a backup image once.
Also, you need to give the vault profile enough days to go back to find that "last weekly full" backup.

Level 6
Or u can try the Inline Tape Copy (ITC) option, with different schedules.