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DSSU problems after migrating to MP4

Level 3
After migrating Netbackup Ent server 5.1 MP3a to MP4 on W2k3 servers, we have some problems with DSSU. We get errors like 191 and 134 with server recources busy. So the diskstaging is not completed correctly. We tried to tune this behavior with MAX_STAGING_JOBS and STAGING_JOBS_KB_LIMIT but this does not help.

Level 6
you have to have the tape drives ready and available for use for the disk staging. It does not requeue 134's. Set the MAX_STAGING_JOBS to 1and try again. Also how many dssu's are attempting to migrate at any given time? If you have multiple dssu's on the same media server then I suggest merging them into 1 huge dssu to give you more control with the migration process. I was very happy to see the improvements with MP4

Level 3
Hi Bob,

We have one Master and one media server, with both 3 lun's. Each lus is 860 gig and these luns are used for Disk Staging. All of the schedules of the staging jobs run from 8:00 am till 06:00 pm. The MAX_STAGING_JOBS are set to 1 and the STAGING_JOB_KB_LIMIT is set to 100 gig on both servers. Still I get the 134 / 191 error. Is there something I did not oversee?


Level 6
3 dssu on master, plus 3 dssu on media server then you must have 6 tape drives available for the migration.

How many total drives are available and how many are in use for vaulting/duplications/backups/restores during the migration time?

Level 3

We have 4 drives available for the relocation. The restores are done by another robot and there are no backup jobs to tape during office time, that is 7:30 am - 06:00 pm. Vault runs at 07:00 am so these 4 tape drives are dedicated in use for the relocation of the images.

Level 3
The MAX_STAGING_JOBS is set to 1 and the STAGING_JOB_KB_LIMIT is set to 100 gig on both servers. At this moment the DSSU jobs are running fine and it takes about 2 hours to relocate 100 gigs to tape.

Another thing: a lot of DSSU issues are allocated in MP5..
See the following article:



Level 6
Since you have 6 DSSU's total and only 4 tape drives availabe you will need to stagger the migration schedules to run at different times. Perhaps 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon?