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Deallocated Orphaned Resources

Level 6


I have serveral backup jobs that are showing the following status in the activity monitor:

Error nbjm (pid=23179) nbrb status: RB deallocated orphaned resources

The jobs have not failed as yet but I am sure it is only time befire they do, can anyone please tell me what i sould be looking for with regards to this, I have ran the following on the Master/media

nbrbutil -listorphanedstus
No orphaned STUs

nbrbutil -listorphaneddrives
No orphaned drives

nbrbutil -listorphanedmedia
No orphaned media


Many thanks



Attitude is a small thing that makes a BIG difference

Partner    VIP   

Any firewalls ?

If yes, you need to implement "TCP KEEP ALIVE" in the OS - this will preevent the firewall from closing idle TCP connections. Implement on master and media servers.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I have found a couple of similar queries on this forum but in most cases the original poster never came back to tell us if any of the advice has helped.

I have seen various issues with 'broken' resourcebroker as a result of bugs in 6.x versions or lack of OS resources.
Older NBU versions needed 'tuning' for the resource broker.

Curious to know which NBU version?

Is there only tape in this environment or disk as well?

How many media servers?
How many STUs?

What does 'nbrbutil -dump' show?
How does this output compare with actual devices allocated to active jobs?

Please post all text in Details tab of the job where the message was seen.
Compare with job details in this TN: 


Level 6


Sorry for the delay in responding.

The environment is running and is soley Tape based, there is a single media server as well as the master.

I did have a call open with Symantec but since a reboot of the Master server we have not had any occurences as yet, so they have suspended the call.

I will close this thread off as I have no further examples to pull data from at the moment and all the logs look clear since the last restart of NBU.



Attitude is a small thing that makes a BIG difference