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EEB NB_8.3.0.2_ET4067650_2 - MSDP VERY SLOW

Level 5

Hi everyone,

I don't know if was coincidence but after apply this EEB my backups are running so slow, after I restart my master server/media server everything works fine but after 3 days, jobs very slow.

I checked logs about this EEB installed two weeks ago but was installed partially, like below:

20220711163607 installed Normal Client D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.2\PET3981182_SET3981133_EEB34_x64\eebinstaller_3981133_34_AMD64.exe
20220809115433 installed Normal Client D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.3.0.2\PET4045321_SET4045322_EEB9_x64\eebinstaller_4045322_9_AMD64.exe
20220809115605 installed Normal Server D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.3.0.2\PET4081202_SET4079114_EEB1_x64\eebinstaller_4079114_1_AMD64.exe
20220809115606 installed Normal Server D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.3.0.2\PET4081317_SET4079122_EEB1_x64\eebinstaller_4079122_1_AMD64.exe
20220809115610 installed Normal Client D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.3.0.2\PET4075539_SET4077106_EEB1_x64\eebinstaller_4077106_1_AMD64.exe
20220809115619 partial Normal Server D:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_8.3.0.2\PET4067651_SET4067650_EEB2_x64\eebinstaller_4067650_2_AMD64.exe

Any idea ? Thanks.


There is a version 3 of this EEB but unfortunately it isn’t public yet..
open a case to ask for it and maybe it fixes your issue.

Level 5

Thanks for reply.


Hi @admin_bkp007 , you are welcome

FYI, the EEB is now public so you can download it directly from Veritas portal.

Once done, could you please let us know if that fixed the issue?


Level 5

@Hamza_H thanks, our contract is renewing, unfortunately now I don't have permission for download this EEB, but I think our contract will be solve this week and I'll tell after apply it if solved our problem...thanks.

Level 5

Hi, I applied today the hotfix but was installed partially, I don't know if we have a problem about it, follow:


EEB Package installation partially succeeded.

EEB 4067913.1: Not installed. The same EEB version is already installed.
EEB 4067969.1: Not installed. The same EEB version is already installed.
EEB 4079114.1: Not installed. The same EEB version is already installed.
EEB 4079122.1: Not installed. The same EEB version is already installed.
EEB 4087458.1: Installation succeeded.
EEB 4087454.1: Installation succeeded.
Uninstall status for EEBs obsoleted by 4087454.1:
Obsolete EEB 4067617.1: Successfully uninstalled.
EEB 4086326.1: Installation succeeded.
Uninstall status for EEBs obsoleted by 4086326.1:
Obsolete EEB 4066511.1: Successfully uninstalled.
EEB 4087459.1: Installation succeeded.
EEB 4077106.2: Installation succeeded.
Uninstall status for EEBs obsoleted by 4077106.2:
Obsolete EEB 4077106.1: Successfully uninstalled.
EEB 4075538.2: Installation failed. See previous output for details.

=============== END Installation Summary ===============

Error executing script, check EEB Package summary for details (returned 244)
Not all payload EEBs successfully installed. See Installation Summary for details

Level 5

Unfortunately I still have problem, my MSDP very slow, open ticket with support and request a lot of logs and very slow to solve my problem, how Veritas release a hotfix for cause a problem like this? Very bad! 

I already insist my problem starting after apply hotfix, bpbrd.exe crash a lot of time during the day and everything after apply hotfix.

Maybe if anyone solve this issue please tell, and guys pay attention about apply hofix v8.3.0.2 ... thanks.