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How to check the retention of 2nd copy?

Level 4


I've changed the retention period of secondcopy for a backupid using the "bpexpdate -recalculate -backupid <bacckupid> -copy 2 -ret 9.

How can i check wether the retention changed or not?

If i use the "bpimagelist -U -backupid <backupid>" it is giving only the primary copies retention period.

Pls help


Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP   

There is a copy 2 as well with infinity retention

Copy number:       2
 Fragment:         1
 Kilobytes:        540416
 Remainder:        0
 Media Type:       Media Manager (2)
 Density:          hcart2 (14)
 File Num:         45
 ID:               A30409
 Host:             nmbpmed05
 Block Size:       262144
 Offset:           768913
 Media Date:       Sat Apr  4 12:23:34 CDT 2015 (1428168214)
 Dev Written On:   6
 Flags:            0x0  
 Media Descriptor:        ?
 Expiration Time:            INFINITY       (2147483647)
 MPX:              1
 retention_lvl:    infinity (9)
 Try to Keep Time:  Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969 (0)
 Copy Creation Time:  Mon Apr  6 04:02:12 CDT 2015 (1428310932)
 Data Format:      Tar
 checkpoint:       2
 resume num:       0
 Key tag:          *NULL*
 STL tag:          *NULL*
 Copy on hold:     0

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Or use the 'long' output with -L.

bpimagelist -L -backupid <ID>

Level 6

use -l instead of -U - this will show you your Fragment copy numbers. Expiration is 17th field.

Run: bpdbm -ctime <field 17 value>



IMAGE test_server 0 0 10 test_server_1428388839 kev 0 *NULL* root FULL 0 10 1428388839 9 1428475239 0 0 77536 2665 2 2 0 kev_1428388839_FULL.f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 15547 1 0 321342 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0
HISTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FRAG 1 1 77536 0 0 0 0 /storage/data/test_server_1428388839_C1_F1 test_server 262144 0 0 -1 0 test_server 1428475239 0 65546 0 0 0 1 0 1428388848 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
FRAG 2 1 77536 0 0 0 0 /storage/data/test_server_1428388839_C2_F1_R1 test_server 262144 0 0 -1 0 test_server 1577836800 0 65546 0 1 0 1 0 1428409528 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0


bpdbm -ctime 1577836800

1577836800 = Wed Jan  1 00:00:00 2020


Or use bpimagelist -L backupid <backupid> like this:


bpimagelist -L -backupid test_server_1428388839 | awk '/Copy number/  {print} /^ Expiration Time/ {print}'




Level 4


I've attached the output of bpimagelist -L -backupid <backupid>.

In the result I can see all the copy number as 1. 

Partner    VIP   

There is a copy 2 as well with infinity retention

Copy number:       2
 Fragment:         1
 Kilobytes:        540416
 Remainder:        0
 Media Type:       Media Manager (2)
 Density:          hcart2 (14)
 File Num:         45
 ID:               A30409
 Host:             nmbpmed05
 Block Size:       262144
 Offset:           768913
 Media Date:       Sat Apr  4 12:23:34 CDT 2015 (1428168214)
 Dev Written On:   6
 Flags:            0x0  
 Media Descriptor:        ?
 Expiration Time:            INFINITY       (2147483647)
 MPX:              1
 retention_lvl:    infinity (9)
 Try to Keep Time:  Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969 (0)
 Copy Creation Time:  Mon Apr  6 04:02:12 CDT 2015 (1428310932)
 Data Format:      Tar
 checkpoint:       2
 resume num:       0
 Key tag:          *NULL*
 STL tag:          *NULL*
 Copy on hold:     0

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

No wonder you could not find it....

1086 instances of 'Copy Number:' and more than 500 fragments in this backup image!! 
And this for backup of 633034828 Kbytes (+- 600 GB)?

Out of curiousity - what is the Fragment size in Storage Unit properties?

Level 4

Hi Marianne,

Sorry for the delay. The fragment size is 10000 mb

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Maybe double-check and confirm. Seems to me it was a lot smaller when this backup and duplication was done.

PS: Nicolai has answered your query. Please mark his post as solution?

Level 6

Definitely something up with your fragment size on your storage unit - get that checked.

In the interest of this question, this works better, though not 100% perfect:


awk '/^ Expiration Time/ {print} /Copy number/ {print}' bpimage_0.txt | uniq


Copy number:       1
 Expiration Time:  Mon Jul  6 22:30:13 CDT 2015 (1436239813)
Copy number:       1
Copy number:       2
 Expiration Time:            INFINITY       (2147483647)
Copy number:       2

Level 4

Can u give the command to find the fragments of storage unit?

So that I can double check

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

bpstulist -L

Level 4

Label:                LTO2_general_med05
Storage Unit Type:    Media Manager
Host Connection:      nmbpmed05
Number of Drives:     6
On Demand Only:       yes
Density:              hcart2 (14)
Robot Type/Number:    TLD (8) / 0
Max Fragment Size:    10000
Max MPX/drive:        6


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seems the fragment size was changed in the meantime.

Image output shows this:

Copy number:       2
 Fragment:         1
 Kilobytes:        540416

Which means fragment size was possibly set to 500 when the backup and duplication was done.

Level 4

We didn't change the fragement size, I see  that for all the storage unit the fragment size is 10000.

Partner    VIP   

Please check the fragment size again.  You shoud set fragment size to 50000 (50GB). This is Symantec Best Pratice for tape.

Level 4

okay Nicolai.... Thank you