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Installing the JAVA console on Windows 7

Level 3

Is it possible to install the JAVA GUI on windows 7?

NBU version is 6.5.4.

I heard JAVA console(6.5) is not installed on windows 7.

And let me know  when support to inatall JAVA console on windows 7 , if you know...


Level 6
but basic Windows 7 client support is not offered until 6.5.5, with Master/media & further functionality not until NetBackup7.

Upcoming NetBackup 6.5.5 Release

Don't know where the JAVA console would fit into this road-map?

Level 4
Java should work fine in Windows 7, I would think. If you're having issues with the Java console, try disabling the UAC features.  In Vista, the console wanted to install as root, which caused some problems with the UAC system (I've seen this with a bunch of other software that requires root to install) so if you have issues, try that.  Once you get it installed you should be able to resume the UAC stuff.