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Netbackup EEB / Patch arrangement

Not applicable
Employee Accredited

Dear All ,

 I just face one customer situation is .. user upgrade latest version of firmware / software on both SW/Appliacne.

 However ,after upgrade , they hit more bugs than before upgrade . User drop call , and everytime install a EEB . user complains that , why need everytime install a EEB and reactively wait next bug hit … 

 Customer want to know how many EEBs should be applied after upgrade specific version .. proactively .



I drafted the following answer ... Need ask for help see my definition is correct or not .


EEB was a engineering engaged bug fix , which is tailor made for some specific environment in specific situation bug , which might not widely applicable to all user environment . That’s why not suggested to “prevently install” all EEB without our support engagement .

Also , EEB was not “roll up patch” like binary , which cannot solve groups of bugs , which is next firmware / minor version release ( for example , 2.5.2 and maintenance release 5 )  


Proactively install some EEB which bug had not yet occur on current backup environment is not recommended , as it might cause potential problem . Reason behind is those EEB was use for fix some urgent bug hit in specific environment , and not yet fully tested on “GENERAL” or FULLOUT all environment . Unknown behavior from system would occur if EEB apply without our support engaged .

 However , some very popular and able for public download EEB , we named that Late breaking News , The list which can be found on the following page .

 NBU 7.5



Again , those was just a list of EEB for mostly hit by user . From original principle , EEB was not FULLY tested in GENERAL / ALL ROUND  NBU environment , therefore not suggest to installed “proactively” . i.e. implement EEB before bug hit .



Is above definition correct so that I can answer to customer ?


Level 4
Partner Accredited

Not sure if above definition is 100% correct, but I don't think its good practice to install latest fixes straight after they are available. Always better to wait a couple of months.