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Netbackup Housecleaning 7.6.0

Level 1

I have recfently inherited the job of dealing with Netbackup.

In the Netbackup Admin Console, I have SEVERAL volume groups and volume pools that have references in them to tapes that are no longer used, supported, or on hand. (8mm tapes)


If I want to completely remove all references to old tapes that are no longer a part of netbackup and will never ever be used again, what is the best way to delete all those old entries from the console?


I have already gone through the catalogs and expired every single one of the tapes, I have moved them all to a new volume pool called none.  The 8mm robots are no longer a part of this netbackup configuration (they were upgraded to DLT5 drives) but I still cannot get any of the old tapes to be unassigned so I can delete them.


I have approx 1500 tapes that I am trying to delete out of netbackup.  if it requires to run an individual command for each tape, that will not work as I do not have that kind of time.  Is there a way to do this in bulk?


I am running Netbackup  Before I attempt to upgrade to a newer version, I want all of this legacy references and junk removed from the catalog and from the interface so that I will only be starting off with current and supported media references.


thanks for any help you can give.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Please show us output of this command for one of the tapes that is not getting unassigned:
nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid (media-id)

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


if your medias are not in libraries and you don't need them then you can use

basically you need to run bpexpdate -m <mediaID> -d 0 and  then vmdelete -m <mediaid> 

Level 6

If you are sure that you no longer require these tapes then you would need to create a script to run these commands for you. But do make a note that once you run bpexpdate on the tapes the data on them is completely gone from NetBackup and will not be available for restore.

Not sure if you are using windows or Linux master server hence giving you an example for both of them.

You would need to create a file with the list of medias that you want to expire. You can get this done by creating a filter in the Media tab in NBU GUI and selecting the media from there and paste it in excel and from there copy the media id column.

Once you have this in place you can attempt the below loop to clear them off.

For windows:


cd to <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd and then run the below.

for /f %i in (C:\1.txt) do bpexpdate -m %i -d 0 -force



For linux:


for i in `cat /tmp/test` ; do echo $i; /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpexpdate -m $i -d 0 -force; done


** Note at times when you copy paste commands the quotes (`) does not get copied correctly so you may need to type them out manually.

If the media id does not have a time assigned value to it then you may see messages such as media id is not assigned in EMM.