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ORA-19674: file I:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_8.DBF is already being backed up with proxy copy

Level 6

Hi All;

I have oracle full backup job failed with status :

ORA-19674: file I:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_8.DBF is already being backed up with proxy copy

 my netbackup is running on 7.7.2 (master is linux red hat 2.6), media servers is windows server. Oracle is running on windows. I have oracle backup policy (full, incremental & archivelog), incremental & archivelog are running well. We have only issue on full backup

here detail:

08/21/2017 09:40:27 - Info nbjm (pid=11635) starting backup job (jobid=12520650) for client mxq08db004, policy Ber_OIP_oracle_db, schedule Full
08/21/2017 09:40:27 - Info nbjm (pid=11635) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=12520650, request id:{ACA7FB4E-867E-11E7-8916-B18A6D7DE40F})
08/21/2017 09:40:27 - requesting resource ber1-disk-stu
08/21/2017 09:40:27 - requesting resource cdcnetbu02.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Ber_OIP_oracle_db
08/21/2017 09:40:28 - granted resource  cdcnetbu02.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Ber_OIP_oracle_db
08/21/2017 09:40:28 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
08/21/2017 09:40:28 - Info nbjm (pid=11635) started backup (backupid=mxq08db004_1503326428) job for client mxq08db004, policy Ber_OIP_oracle_db, schedule Full on storage unit 
08/21/2017 09:40:31 - started process bpbrm (pid=8820)
08/21/2017 09:40:33 - Info bpbrm (pid=8820) mxq08db004 is the host to backup data from
08/21/2017 09:40:33 - Info bpbrm (pid=8820) reading file list for client
08/21/2017 09:40:33 - connecting
08/21/2017 09:40:37 - Info bpbrm (pid=8820) starting bphdb on client
08/21/2017 09:40:37 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
08/21/2017 09:40:38 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) Backup started
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ************************************************************
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Backup Information:
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Client: mxq08db004
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	ORACLE_SID: BF5
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	ORACLE_HOME: f:\orant\product\\dbhome_1
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Online (Hot) Stream backup requested
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Objects being backed up:
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 		Whole Database
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 		Control File
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Number of channels to allocate (database): 4
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Oracle Authentication is being used
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	A Recovery Catalog is being used
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Skipping Offline Data files
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	RMAN Default Limits will be used (Database)
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 	Backup File Name Formats:
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 		Database: bk_d%d_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - 		Control File: ctrl_d%d_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - End of Backup Information
08/21/2017 09:40:45 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ************************************************************
08/21/2017 09:40:53 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Database status is: OPEN
08/21/2017 09:40:53 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Database open mode is: READ WRITE
08/21/2017 09:40:53 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ARCHIVE LOG mode is: ARCHIVELOG
08/21/2017 09:40:53 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - CDB mode: NOT ENABLED
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Starting Oracle Recovery Manager.
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Using: "f:\orant\product\\dbhome_1\bin\rman.exe" 
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Connection info: target 'sqldba/*****' rcvcat 'rman/*****'
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Start of Recovery Manager input.
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - # -----------------------------------------------------------------
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - # RMAN command section
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - # -----------------------------------------------------------------
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RUN {
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     TYPE 'SBT_TAPE';
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - SEND 'NB_ORA_CLIENT=mxq08db004,NB_ORA_SID=BF5,NB_ORA_SERV=cdcnetbu02,NB_ORA_POLICY=Ber_OIP_oracle_db,NB_ORA_PARENT_JOBID=12520650,NB_ORA_SCHED=Full,NB_ORA_PC_SCHED=Full,NB_ORA_PC_STREAMS=4';
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - # DEDUPE storage unit was detected - switching to a non-snapshot proxy backup
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - BACKUP
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0 PROXY
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     FORMAT 'bk_d%d_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     SKIP OFFLINE
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     DATABASE;
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - # Control File Backup
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ALLOCATE CHANNEL ch00 
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     TYPE 'SBT_TAPE';
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - SEND 'NB_ORA_CLIENT=mxq08db004,NB_ORA_SID=BF5,NB_ORA_SERV=cdcnetbu02,NB_ORA_POLICY=Ber_OIP_oracle_db,NB_ORA_PARENT_JOBID=12520650,NB_ORA_SCHED=Full';
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - BACKUP
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     FORMAT 'ctrl_d%d_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF -     CURRENT CONTROLFILE;
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RELEASE CHANNEL ch00;
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - }
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - End of Recovery Manager input.
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Start of Recovery Manager output.
08/21/2017 09:40:56 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Aug 21 08:40:55 2017
08/21/2017 09:41:12 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - connected to target database: BF5 (DBID=1320762402)
08/21/2017 09:41:13 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - connected to recovery catalog database
08/21/2017 09:41:51 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - allocated channel: ch00
08/21/2017 09:41:51 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - channel ch00: SID=104 device type=SBT_TAPE
08/21/2017 09:42:02 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 12 is in backup mode
08/21/2017 09:42:02 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 13 is in backup mode
08/21/2017 09:42:02 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 45 is in backup mode
08/21/2017 09:42:02 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 46 is in backup mode
08/21/2017 09:42:03 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - current control file cannot be backed up by proxy.
08/21/2017 09:42:03 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - SPFILE cannot be backed up by proxy.
08/21/2017 09:42:24 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - channel ch00: starting incremental level 0 proxy datafile backup at 21-AUG-17
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - input datafile file number=00065 name=I:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFI_17.DBF
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - proxy file handle=bk_dBF5_umvsceovf_s4831_p1_t952591343
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - input datafile file number=00011 name=G:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_2.DBF
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - proxy file handle=bk_dBF5_umvsceovf_s4831_p2_t952591343
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - input datafile file number=00008 name=G:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_6.DBF
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - proxy file handle=bk_dBF5_umvsceovf_s4831_p3_t952591343
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - input datafile file number=00021 name=G:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_5.DBF
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - proxy file handle=bk_dBF5_umvsceovf_s4831_p4_t952591343
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - released channel: ch00
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch00 channel at 08/21/2017 08:42:24
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - ORA-19674: file I:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_8.DBF is already being backed up with proxy copy
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - Recovery Manager complete.
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - End of Recovery Manager output.
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) INF - End Oracle Recovery Manager.
08/21/2017 09:42:25 - Error bpbrm (pid=8820) from client mxq08db004: ERR - exit status: <1>
08/21/2017 09:42:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=8820) from client mxq08db004: ERR - bphdb exit status = 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files
08/21/2017 09:42:32 - Info bphdb (pid=5596) done. status: 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files
08/21/2017 09:42:32 - end writing
the backup failed to back up the requested files  (6)

 I checked on google about ORA-19674: file I:\ORANT\DATA\BF5\BFD_8.DBF is already being backed up with proxy copy, they said it " Recovery manager attempted to back up the specified
file with proxy copy, but the file is already being backed
up by another recovery manager job." I am not able see other backup job. I tried to stop/restart backup process on client but it has same issue. Any help on it. I appreciate that. Thank you.




Partner    VIP    Accredited


Did you check if is there another backup task ( backup to disk) from DBA for example, running at same time that you backup job?

Other think, can you check with DBA, if this information is true?


RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 12 is in backup mode
RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 13 is in backup mode
RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 45 is in backup mode

RMAN-06554 WARNING: file string is in backup mode
Cause: A file which is being backed up or copied is in backup mode. RMAN will back up the file anyway, but files do not need to be put into backup mode before backing them up with RMAN.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ... END BACKUP statement, at the target database server, to take the files out of backup mode.

TN -





Thank you for your information. I am using OIP to backup this oracle database

Partner    VIP   

A table space in backup mode is likely "left over" from past activities. You don't want to have tabel spaces in backup mode during normal operation.

Before RMAN is was needed to set tabel spaces in backup mode in order to run a online backup, but RMAN work differently and does require tabel spaces to be in backup mode.

You need to contact the DBA and ask him/her  to set the tabel spaces out of backup mode. 

Background info here: