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One server in a policy is skipped.

Level 6

I asked this question on the Aubur mailing list and it was suggested that I delete the STREAMS file in the db/images/<client name> folder, which I did and it seemed to fix it, bu now it is back.
NetBackup 6.5.1
Windows 2003 Master/Meida server

In the policy there are three clients, one of the "clients" is also the master server. The other two windows clients backup as scheduled with no problems, however the master/media/client server does not. There are no errors (or entries) in the job monitor and I can not find any errors in the log file.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Level 6
Have you tried copying this affected policy to a new one or created a new policy to backup the same thing(s)?

We have had a few issues over the years similar to this & copying/creating new policy did sort the issue.

Level 6
I believe I tried that last time I had the problem, but when the manual backup finishes, I'll try it again. :)

Level 6
you state

I>>>>but when the manual backup finishes, >>>>>


Well there is your problem.

everytime you do a manual.... it counts as a backup.

what is the frequency of your schedule.... because if the manual backup you did falls with in the window then the policy may think that it has already been done so it will NOT do it for the policy.


say your schedule has frequency of 1 day,  (which means every 24 hours).  well if you do a manual backup that finishes at 2 pm. and your schedule starts up again at 9 pm, it says that there has already been a backup.

So just to check.... make sure that your frequency is bigger then your backup window but smaller then you really need it... so if you need to backup once a day. with a window of 8 hours.  then set your frequency to something between 10 and 16 hours.