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SQL Restore Error

Not applicable

Alert Raised on: June 4, 2011 1:39 PM
Job: 17994
Tree Type : Server
Nodes : netbackup
Job Policy:
Exit Status: 5 (the restore failed to recover the requested files)
New State: Done
Alert Policy: Restore_Alert
OpsCenter Server: NETBACKUP
Severity: Warning

ERR - Error in GetCommand: 0x80770004.
CONTINUATION: - An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
DBMS MSG - ODBC return code <-1>, SQL State <37000>, SQL Message <3234><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Logical file 'ftrow_Article_2' is not part of database 'TPLTHI'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.>.
DBMS MSG - SQL Message <3013><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.>

ERR - Error found executing <restore database "TPLTHI" from VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-3760-5768-1307086072' with stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 4194304, buffercount = 2, replace , norecovery, move 'TPL_PRI' to 'N:\TPL\TPL.mdf', move 'TPL_PRI_2' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_PRI_2.ndf', move 'TPL_PRI_3' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_PRI_3.ndf', move 'TPL_PRI_4' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_PRI_4.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_1.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_2' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_2.ndf', move 'TPL_SEC' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_2.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_SECC' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_3.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_SECC_2' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_SECC_2.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_SEC3' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_IDX_SEC3.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_SEC4' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_SEC4.ndf', move 'ftrow_Article' to 'N:\tpl\ftrow_Article.ndf', move 'ftrow_Article_2' to 'N:\TPL\ftrow_Article_2.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_PRI_2' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_PRI_2.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_PRI_1' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_PRI_1.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_2_1' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_2_1.ndf', move 'TPL_IDX_2_2' to 'N:\TPL\TPL_IDX_2_2.ndf', move 'TPL_log' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_4.ldf', move 'TPL_log2' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_log2.ldf', move 'TPL_log3' to 'N:\tpl\TPL_log3.ldf', replace>.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please let us know what exactly was done.

Is this a restore to the same or alternate client? Where was the restore initiated from? Have you ensured sufficient Client Read Timeout? Was the GUI used to select databases for restore? Was GUI used to save move template and modified afterwards? Have a look at this error:

"Logical file 'ftrow_Article_2' is not part of database 'TPLTHI'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names."

Do you have dbclient log on the destination client? If so, please post the log as an attachment.

Have a look at this O-L-D (but still relevant) TN for troubleshooting SQL restore problems:

Please also let us know all relevant version info: NBU version on master, media and client, SQL version, OS versions.

Level 6

Actually this error is caused by a number of issues

Have a look at these technotes, perhaps one of them matches your case


My best bet is to disable sriping and to increase CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT on the media server that is used for restore.

Level 5


The error you have sounds like there is problems with the move script. Make sure you only has out the database line and the to lines and change the path, do not change anything else.

See technote
