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SVN backup not completing

Level 5

We have SVN configured on windows server 2k8 R2.The backup directory is D:\csvn.

We have configured one windows server 2k8 R2 running netbackup server 6.5.6 as a backup server.

All policies are running fine except the policy which is taking backup of the SVN server above.

The backup keeps on running without any increase in "Percentage Compleate".

Activity logs.

7/14/2015 6:42:29 PM - mounted
7/14/2015 6:42:29 PM - connecting
7/14/2015 6:42:29 PM - positioning 0023L6 to file 281
7/14/2015 6:42:29 PM - positioned 0023L6; position time: 00:00:00
7/14/2015 6:42:30 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:01
7/14/2015 6:42:30 PM - begin writing

Current time is 10:47 AM 15/7/2015 and it is still running.It is always struck in /D/csvn/data/repositories/carnival/db/revs/0/117 or some other files.

We are facing this issue as this backup server was recently configured.In previous backup server this policy was running fine.

Also please note we have created a new backup server and created new policies.We havent importany any catalog from previous server.

Also we have 2-3 other SVN servers configured for backup with same SVN repo and they are working fine.

We have tried bpcd logs,tried connecting from backup server,all this is working fine.Also we have created a new policy of the problematic SVN server with different backup folder and it is working fine.

Kindly suggest what can be done to resolve the issue.


Partner    VIP    Certified

What is SVN?

Query the client for its exclusion list?  Maybe there is an exclude list on the client tied to a particular policy name, and now your new backup server uses a different policy name, and so the exclude list is no longer effective?  Does this have any clues?

bpgetconfig -M myclient exclude

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Logs needed : bpbkar on client with logging level set to 3. bpbrm and bptm on media server. Tell us more about SVN. What type of software is this? What does the application vendor say - how should the application data be backed up? I am surprised that you installed old, no longer supported NBU version on a new server. Why is that? ? We keep on telling you that all NBU 6.x versions ran out of support in 2012 and that you need to upgrade, but you keep on ignoring us. Why is that?

Level 5
sorry for replying late. I have communicated the out of life issue to our management earlier also.They are working on it. We have done some troubleshooting at our end but still i couldnt resolve the issue. SVN is basically a software in which data is kept which is usable accross network just like Microsoft VSS.We have also configured backup of SVN using which takes database from D:\ and creats a DUMP file in S:\ for each database. Like for D:\csvn\data\dumps\abc ,it will create a dump file like S:\csvn\data\dumps\abc\ have around 30 such databases.So 30 dump files are generated like this. Now we are taking backing of S:\csvn\data\dumps on tape using veritas but stil it is running continously without any intimation. Regarding the logs,please can you tell me the procedure for the same. I have run below command on my master server but i am getting no output C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpbrm.exe C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>

Level 5


I have noticed one strange thing.

I have configured a new backup policy.In this i am only backing up 6-7 database dump files(S:\csvn\data\dumps) which accumilates to around 20 MB.

This backup policy is running and completing fine.

Please let me know what i can do in this senario



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Log folders need to be created under ...\netbackup\logs on server and client respectively.

To learn more about NBU logs, read through chapter 3 of NBU 6.5 Troubleshooting Guide. (I have posted the URL in one of your other posts.) 
Appendix A in the Troubleshooting Guide explains the process flow between master/media server and client.

Level 5

Pls find logs attaches.

Zip file contains 2 Zip files.Working_policy contains logs of policy which are working.Zip file Policy_hanging contains logs of policy which are running continously without any intimation.

Both policies have same client but different folders to be backed up.

Please note S:\ drive is NTFS.

Level 5

someone please suggest what can be done to resolve the issue.

Level 5
I have resolved this issue by configuring this backup to some other server.The other server is writting my data on LTO5 drive. Can somehow help me to find the root cause of this issue.

Level 5

I have resolved this issue by configuring this backup to some other server.The other server is writting my data on LTO5 drive.

Can somehow help me to find the root cause of this issue.
