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Storage Unit failover

Level 0


Our NetBackup infrastructure is as follows:

1 Master server running NBU on Windows 2008 R2
2 Media Servers (PureDisk) running NBU on Windows 2008 R2, hosting a single storage unit each on two different sites.

All backup jobs use a Storage Lifecycle Policy to perform backups on the storage unit of NBU Media Server A and then duplicate it to the NBU Media Server B.

I'm trying to figure out to automatically failover the backup operations when a Storage Unit is unavailable while always keeping a copy of the images on both Media Servers.

What I would like to achieve is:

Scenario 1: When Storage Unit on Media Server A is Down or Full

SLP Operation # 1 (Backup) selects Storage Unit on Media Server B
SLP Operation # 2 (Duplicate) selects Storage Unit on Media Server A
SLP is set to inactive in order to delay operation # 2 on the Media Server A (which is down) until is comes up again.

Scenario 2: When Storage Unit on Media Server B is Down or Full

SLP is set to inactive in order to delay operation # 2 on the Media Server B (which is down) until is comes up again.

I recon that NBU provides all the necessary cmd line tools to script these scenarios, but I don't really know if there's a reliable way to detect that Storage Unit is Full or Unavailable... so I assume that a script would have to be ran manually, maybe I'm wrong ? :)

Another option I have checked is using Storage Group Unit. Actually it seems really simple to create a failover Storage Unit Group with a priority on Media Server A first in the list and then set that Storage Group Unit for the backup operation of the SLP. But with this said, how can I handle the duplication? The problem I see with this configuration is that when Storage on Media Server A is down, Backup and Duplication operations in my SLP will be performed on the same Storage Unit... And I don't see the point of having that :)

Thank you all in advance for reading me and your suggestions.

Best regards,


Partner    VIP   

I can only confirm that it's issues with no real beautiful solution to it.