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Trouble with NB 6.0 MP6

Level 2
We are running NetBackup 6.0 MP4 with a Dell PowerVault 132T Library.  The firmware
is up to date.
I recently installed MP6 hoping this would fix the "exceeded configured number
of tries..." logging bug.  The new maintenance pack did not fix the logging bug.
Instead, I got a new problem.  Jobs began to hang and some tapes would not eject
after a job.  I would have to manually eject tapes, reboot the server and power
cycle the library to get things back to normal.  In a day or so, it would happen
all over again. 
Additionally, when I would erase a tape (long erase) it will erase only one
tape.  If I were to erase a second tape, the job will hang.  I removed MP6 and
reinstalled MP4.  Now everything is back to normal.
I guess the old adage, "If it's not broke, don't fix it", applies here.
Any ideas?  Anyone?

Level 4
Anything in the error logs?

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
We had a similar problem a few months ago due to contention with McAffee.  Check out:

  • NetBackup services randomly shut down
  • Active Jobs finish but tapes are not moved from drives back to slots
  • Active Jobs which need to span media sit at "Waiting for next media: Any"
  • Queued Jobs do not go active

Message Edited by Jason Blakely on 06-19-2008 07:55 PM

Level 6
Just for couriosity why are u deleting tapes? you can let them expire and the overwrite them is there any special situation that you have that u need to delete this medias?

Level 2

I hadn't thought of McAfee interfering with the installation.  (Duhh)  Although, no errors popped up during the install and McAfee shows nothing in its log.  But that’s a good idea anyway.  I’ll give it another try, with McAfee disabled this time.

By the way, I perform a long erase on tapes which were previously written with non-encrypted data.  I want to ensure that the old data is completely overwritten before I use them again to store encrypted data which may not overwrite all the way to the end.