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VMware backup exited with status 0 and immedietly giving 196 or 42 error

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VMware backup exited with status 0 and immedietly giving 196 or 42 error

02/09/2016 01:00:15 - begin Parent Job

02/09/2016 01:00:15 - begin Application Resolver: Start Notify Script

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=189526) started

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=189526) exiting with status: 0

Operation Status: 0

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - end Application Resolver: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:01

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - begin Application Resolver: Step By Condition

Operation Status: 0

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - end Application Resolver: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00

02/09/2016 01:00:16 - begin Application Resolver: Resolver Discovery

Operation Status: 0

02/09/2016 01:00:47 - end Application Resolver: Resolver Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:31

02/09/2016 01:00:47 - begin Application Resolver: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed

Operation Status: 196

02/09/2016 10:24:27 - end Application Resolver: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 9:23:40

02/09/2016 10:24:27 - begin Application Resolver: Stop On Error

Operation Status: 0

02/09/2016 10:24:27 - end Application Resolver: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00

02/09/2016 10:24:27 - begin Application Resolver: End Notify Script

02/09/2016 10:24:28 - Info RUNCMD (pid=5390) started

02/09/2016 10:24:28 - Info RUNCMD (pid=5390) exiting with status: 0

Operation Status: 0

02/09/2016 10:24:28 - end Application Resolver: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:01

Operation Status: 196

02/09/2016 10:24:28 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 9:24:13

client backup was not attempted because backup window closed  (196)


Partner    VIP    Certified

Status 196 and status 42 are usually two very unrelated errors.

Can we use this forum post/thread to talk about the status 196 - and can I ask you post another question re the status 42 that you are getting.

Status 196 are easy to understand, by may be difficult to resolve - the 'run window' was exhausted, i.e. the 'run window' closed, i.e. the backup job did not event get to change from 'queued' to 'active' before the end of the run window.  Why?  Simply too many jobs to complete in teh alloted time - or something caused a blockage/hang of one or more other jobs - and so at least one job ran out of time.

Some questions:

1) Is this a new or old problem?

2) Live production env, or test/lab/exam environment?

3) How many jobs fail with status 196?

4) How many work ok?

Level 6
Accredited Certified

To me it looks like you are using Vmware Intelligent policy and the vmware client was not been discovered and then passing more than 9 hrs of time the job exited with status code 196


Operation Status: 196

02/09/2016 10:24:27 - end Application Resolver: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 9:23:40


The issue looks to me about the VM discovery .. can you check in more detail the policy and the client in question

Level 6
Accredited Certified

Also refer the technote below ot see if htis helps


nbdiscover and/or nbcs may core dump when a virtual machine does not have an instance UUID