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Vmware machine quiescing and non quiescing

Level 6

Hi Champs,

I have around 1000 VM being backed up in the environment with NBU 8.1.

With some VM we have policy being set to "Virtual Machine quiescing equals Enabled" and in some policies it is set to "Disabled".

I need to know by means of any command or script like what all are the VMs which are being backed up by quiescing Enabled option and Quiescing Disabled option.

NBU 8.1
VMware backup Policy


Accepted Solutions

Hi Noazara,

Something I have knocked together to list your policies, identify which ones are using No Quiesce,

and then a bpimagelist of n hours (24 in the script).

It ties the two together and shows which clients were backed up with a NOQ policy.


sudo bppllist -allpolicies > /tmp/bppllist_allpolices

cat /tmp/bppllist_allpolices | awk '
$1=="CLASS" { POLICY=$2 }
$1$2=="SSMARGdisable_quiesce" { SETTING=$3
if ( SETTING=="1" ) { SETTING="NOQUIESCE" ; printf("POLICY %s %s\n",POLICY,SETTING) }}' > /tmp/f1

sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 24 > /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours

cat /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours | awk '
$1=="IMAGE" { client=$2 ; policy=$7 ; printf("IMAGE %s %s\n",policy,client)}' > /tmp/f2

( cat /tmp/f1 ; cat /tmp/f2 ) | awk '
$1=="POLICY" { noqp[$2]=$3 }
$1=="IMAGE" { POLICY=$2 ; CLIENT=$3 ; printf( "%s %s %s \n",POLICY,CLIENT,noqp[POLICY]) } ' | grep NOQUIESCE | awk '!seen[$0]++'

Its a little rough, but hope this helps and gets you going.



View solution in original post


Level 6

Any help guys

Level 6
Partner Accredited


Could you be more specific ?

Quieiscing is set or not set in the advanced section of a policy (VMware tab > Advanced > Virtual machine quiesce)

You can check this advanced parameter using command line bpplinfo -snapshot_method_args disable_quiesce=0 (0  for quiescing disable and 1 for disable)

Let me know if you need something else !




I want the list of clients in the environment where backup is being completed with quiescing enabled option and which VM backup is completed with quiescing option disabled option.

Need some command or script.


Hello ALL,


Can any help be provided on this.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You should be able to use awk, egrep, grep, in the same manner as over here:

Simply run
bppllist -L -allpolicies > /tmp/bppllist.txt 

Examine the text file, look for the lines/fields that you need, and then start to 'play' with awk, egrep, etc. 

Hi Mam,


I have tried but its not working.Though I am learning scripting.


Please if you can help me on this .

Hi marianne,

i have run the below command but not getting in exact format.

I need in below format:

Policy name :
CLient Name :

(I have VIP in the client list):i have query in the client list not manually selected.

[root@mabck1admincmd]# cat /tmp/bppllist.txt |egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active: |^Client/HW:|^Snapshot Method Arguments:" |grep -i "disable_quiesce=1"
Snapshot Method Arguments: file_system_optimization=1,rTO=0,snapact=2,drive_selection=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,enable_vCloud=0,multi_org=0,rHz=10,rLim=10,nameuse=1,disable_quiesce=1,ignore_irvm=1,exclude_swap=1,skipnodisk=0,tags_unset=0,post_events=1,trantype=san:nbd


Quiescing is set per VIP, so if you want to find out the "quiesced" clients backed up, you will need to find the VIPs which have quiescing enabled and then find the list of clients they back up.

What I do in my environment is something similar, in that I find out clients backed up via "each" VIP. I get the list of clients from vCenter (along with other parameters e.g. hostname, IP address, clustername). Then using scripting tools like @Marianne suggested, I sort out clients for each VMware policy (along with their OS/Hardware combination). Once the massaging is done, I add those clients in backup policies (no schedule) so that we can easily probe the VM (client is installed), test connectivity, etc.

PS: the script written in BASH and is a WIP with a size of about 500 lines already!

THanks.But i need the script as i have thousands of VM in the environment

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


you have not mentioned from the beginning that you are using VIPs.

bppllist will therefore not give you client names. You will only be able to list policy names with bppllist that have disable_quiesce with specific value.

Once you have the list of policy names, you can use nbdiscover to discover and list client names for each Policy. 

See nbdiscover command usage and examples :

The nbdiscover command must be run on either the discovery host or the backup host.

I can unfortunately not assist any further, as I do not have access to a live NBU environment with VIPs. 


I have checked but its taking lot of time for the same.

So if I can be helped on this by some script

Partner    VIP    Certified

I can't help you with this :

"I want the list of clients in the environment where backup is being completed with quiescing enabled option and which VM backup is completed with quiescing option disabled option."

...what I mean is I cannot tell you which "backup jobs" are being attempted or completed with, or without, quiescing...

...but I might (might being the operative work - therefore no promises) be able to write a script which "lists policies" and whether the policy has quiesce enabled (or not) and any specific VMs in that policy...

...and yet... if the policy is using a intelligent policy query that I won't be able to populate the client list with a simple script, so what I mean is this... any script I write will not be able to list the clients for a policy that uses a query.

So... still want it, even if intelligent queies are not expanded ?  If so, then what scripting language for the script?  bash for Linux?  Or a Windows langauge (batch, VBScript, Powershell) ?


     We have our non-quiesced VM's in a policy with NQ in the policy name.

They are therefore easily identifiable.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What @Doctorski says seems like 'common sense'.

@noazara ,

There should not any VIP policies with "Virtual Machine quiescing equals Disabled".

You should only have a handful of VMs that is explicitly selected for this type of backup. 

Hi Marianne,

                      We stll use VIP's for the NQ's but the VM's have NQ in the search criteria keyword.

- Darren



Thanks a tonne for heloing me.


So... still want it, even if intelligent queies are not expanded ?  If so, then what scripting language for the script?  bash for Linux?  Or a Windows langauge (batch, VBScript, Powershell) ?


Its Linux master server and Linux backup bash script will do.

Partner    VIP    Certified

The advice from @Doctorski really is the way to go.

Are you really sure it is worth the effort to script something that will have be maintained forever more?  Why make things more complicated than they need to be.

How many VMs do you have that do not use quiescing?

@sdo : I have to figure it out.THats why i am asking for the that i can distinguish what all have quiescing enabled and disabled.

Hi Noazara,

Something I have knocked together to list your policies, identify which ones are using No Quiesce,

and then a bpimagelist of n hours (24 in the script).

It ties the two together and shows which clients were backed up with a NOQ policy.


sudo bppllist -allpolicies > /tmp/bppllist_allpolices

cat /tmp/bppllist_allpolices | awk '
$1=="CLASS" { POLICY=$2 }
$1$2=="SSMARGdisable_quiesce" { SETTING=$3
if ( SETTING=="1" ) { SETTING="NOQUIESCE" ; printf("POLICY %s %s\n",POLICY,SETTING) }}' > /tmp/f1

sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 24 > /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours

cat /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours | awk '
$1=="IMAGE" { client=$2 ; policy=$7 ; printf("IMAGE %s %s\n",policy,client)}' > /tmp/f2

( cat /tmp/f1 ; cat /tmp/f2 ) | awk '
$1=="POLICY" { noqp[$2]=$3 }
$1=="IMAGE" { POLICY=$2 ; CLIENT=$3 ; printf( "%s %s %s \n",POLICY,CLIENT,noqp[POLICY]) } ' | grep NOQUIESCE | awk '!seen[$0]++'

Its a little rough, but hope this helps and gets you going.