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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Restore of Windows 2012 R2 System state failing

Getting a TAR did not find all the files to be restored error(185) when trying to restore the system state on a Windows 2012 R2 server - attached screen shot of error. Doing a windows image backup of the system state and restoring it using wbamin wo...

LFCNZ by Level 4
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Resolved! Import tapes

Hello everyone. How can I do to create an import al least 100 tapes on aix? Wich script I will need to extract this information.  NBU: 7.7.2 OS: AIX   Please help.

Resolved! How exactly nbu works with ms exchange

Hi, Can somebody please explain how excalty nbu works with ms exchange, which files of nbu and exchange it uses to communicate with exchange, the whole in depth concept. Thanks.

Quantum Robotic Library issue

Hi I had facing an issue with robotic library , and in server logs I can see the below error log. The robot got stuck and a hard reboot fixed this issue. tldd[2277]: TLD(0) going to DOWN state, status: Unable to sense robotic device tldcd[21316]: ...

Netbackup exluding many folders form backup

Hello Team, Thanks in advance for all your help. I have Netbackup server and from it we are taking file server backup. During restoring of files, we found many files and folders are not backuped up with Netbackup. After analyzing, I found issue wi...

Yogesh_M by Not applicable
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Robotic library is down on Media Server

Hello all I am facing some trouble involving my jobs. All duplications are queued cause robotic library is down on media server (stu-msnb-hcart3-robot-tld-0, TLD(o)). It only occuors on deduplications. All 9 jobs are queued. There is other threads l...

Resolved! More informations

Hello everyone !   I'm new here and i'd like to know more about NBU's error codes , for example , i'm on a test period , and i'm trying to creat new errors , jsut to try to solve them later , can any one suggest some common and 'known' errors to st...

Hamza_H by Moderator
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Resolved! Sybase Backups

Hi    I have implemented backup of SYbase DB using sample scripts provided by Veritas. My only concern is following part of script:: if [ "${DUMP_TYPE}" = "DATABASE" ] then #       Initiate a backup of any file related to the Sybase database, s...

NBU35 by Level 6
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client restore fails while trying Non BMR restore( error: socket read failed, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (10054))

Dear all, I have the following netbackup environment: Master server -  windows 2008 standard SP2 64 bit, netbackup 7.7.1 Media server -  windows 2008 standard SP2 64 bit, netbackup 7.7.1 I have a BMR backup (All drive, system state, shadow copy com...

Tauhid by Level 4
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VMDK Backups

Guys i am new to Netbackup and want some info on VMDK backups. 1.How does VMDK backup works in Net backup doest it backup Guest used space or VM allocated space for example. VM Alloacted storage is 500GB and VM internal usage(C,D,E) is 300 GB wh...

Media Mutiplexing

Hello Experts, We have some NDMP backups (Remote type) in which media multiplexing is 1 these backups take long time to complete so it fine if we increase mulitplexing 4 or 5 (LTO 4 tapes) or there might be some reason to put 1. Any issue? Thanks &...

DFSR Backup and BPLIST

Hi,   How to look for a file stored in a DFSR volume ? I am using "Shadow Copy Components:" as a "Dirve Letter" without success. I ve also tried in capital letter but without success.   Thanks for your help

jcornet by Level 2
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BPLIST and file or directory with space character in the name

Hi, I am trying to find a way to search file or folder including a space charactyer in their name. Bplist -C CLIENTNAME -t 40 -l -b -R -PI "310316" ---------- user      group           75435 May 27 18:01 J:\UserData4\WHAT EVER\AGAIN\SOMETHING\My...

jcornet by Level 2
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Resolved! Suspended Media

Hello Experts, I could see many medias in one of the library in Suspended state. No idea Who did it and why? Does netbackup do it on its own? Any troublesooting steps to check how these got suspended? Thanks,

Resolved! Library Understanding

Hello Experts, We have one library IBM3500. I need to know how to know which library is under these category? Is the below library or Robots? ACS TL4 TL8 TLD TLH TLM Also please let me know which are latest libraries and which are older(Less ...

Resolved! Migrating NBU catalog from Suse Linux master server to an NBU Applianc

Hello Guys,   I am required to migrate a Netbackup catalog from a Suse Linux master server to an NBU Appliance. IP and hostname will not change. I have read this technote: and I have a questi...

Bongz_83 by Level 3
Partner Accredited Certified
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Resolved! SQL Restore fails at the end of the restore status 2850

Hi guys, I am doing a SQL restore, cross restore from production to testing, and  I am getting this weir situation where the backup is fully done, but when closing, it will fail with status 2850. I have done the same for other DBs and it works fine...

Media ownership / media host override question

Hi, We used to backup to tape on one site using media server dwb004, which has now been replaced by a different server. I tried to restore a tape that was written by dwb004 earlier today using a tape library controlled by media server BC11N1V1. The ...

Limit of number of characters of backup file path

Netbackup supports maximum file path name of 1023 characters as mentioned in the below technote. As per the limitation, we cannot take the backups of files with paths exceeding more than 1...