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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Netbackup Deuplication backups

Guys Please advise me that we can still do the incremantal or cummulative differential backups on netbackup appliances ? where it does the good deduplications ?   i wanted to use only Daily Full backups for ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES . please advise is thi...

Resolved! Query for number of policies and jobs

One quick query that How many Policies one can create on a server in Netbackup   One of our backup server  does backups of 2 non-GEO testlab OSS:es. There are about  31 policies and about 600 jobs in activity monitor . We faced an issue where   J...

Accelerator feature in Storage Groups

Hi, I have come accross one issue where if i create a Storage group(ODC) inside a storage unit and check the accelerator feature the policy do not save. If i remove accelerator and then save it we are able to save. Just want to know if this is the l...

Resolved! Policy migration and upgrade

Hi  Our customer has 2 NBU, one NBU 7,5 and NBU 7.6. They are planning to migrate the policies from 7.5 to 7.6 and to upgrade 7.6 to 7.7. Which is better to do? 1. Migrate policies from 7.5 to 7.6 then upgrade 7.6 to 7.7.2 or 2. Upgrade 7.6 to 7....

nbuengr by Level 5
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Resolved! Can a robot be in multiple storage units?

Hello all, I've been searching for an answer to this question with no luck. We have 2 rhel 5 NB7.5 servers. Server 1 Master/Media 1 Physical Robot with 4 drives – Named “Robot 0” 1 VTL with 6 VTL drives– Named “Robot 1” Server 2 Media 1 Physic...

Resolved! Exclude for Linux client not working

Hello All, We have several linux clients that are getting code 71 files none of the files in the file list exist.   The issue is the /run/usr/1000/gvfs and we have tried to exclude it and none of the excludes below are working.       /run/usr/10...

VMware backup failed with error 4207

Hello Team,   Backup of some vmware clients is getting failed with error 4207.   05/25/2016 19:39:53 - Critical bpbrm (pid=9848) from client FTL - VMware_freeze: VIXAPI freeze (VMware snapshot) failed with -1: Unrecognized e...

Resolved! SwiftStack Object Storage integration with Netbackup

HI All,   I came to know that SwiftStack Object Storage certified for use with Veritas NetBackup ( URL   Can someone help me...

ManuKM1 by Level 3
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include_lists not threated recursive by netbackup

Hello, I need to exclude everything and then include a directory, say /some/directory/thisone Of course I could simply add it to the include list, then netbackup will backup the directory itself and all files in it - however, it will not backup the...

Backup AD server using NBU agent for Hyper V

Hello, I need to backup AD server via agent for Hyper-V(VHD level backup), is it possible to perform GRT restore for AD objects and is there a config guide available for this? Best Regards, Raj

Symctec by Level 5
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Keep jobs for a Month in Activity Monitor

Dear All,   I am using Veritas Netbackup 7.6.1 in operating system Windows Server 2008 R2. I am only getting 3 days jobs in activity monitor. I want to keep 1 month logs in acitivty monitor. Kindly provide the solution.     Thanks Ashish Tikari...

Resolved! MAX_MEMORY calculation in nbj.conf

Hello Mates,   Is there any thumb rule to calculate the  value for MAX_MEMORY in nbj.conf.   we have around 35 policies and 600 jobs in Activity Monitor. when we were running the restore job , java heap space went out of memory.   what is the ...

symsonu by Level 6
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NetBackup Issue

Hi, We are encountering below issue during backup. Can anyone advise on this pls.   5/25/2016 4:53:56 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=642) sgctrvsql02 is the host to backup data from     5/25/2016 4:53:56 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=642) reading file list for clien...