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bpgp with 6.5.1

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified
What happend to the bpgp command? I don't have it anymore now that I upgraded to 6.5.1.
Is there another command now that does the same thing?

Level 6
bpgp is probably not needed anymore. It never was documented. it was originally used in the script add_slave_on_client to pull the bp.conf file to the master server and then used again to put the bp.conf file back. it is sad that symantec has removed it from the executables. I know it was a big security concern but it sure saved me a few times.
it would be interesting to restore bpgp from an earlier 6.0 backup and see if it still works on 6.5
I do not know of anything to replace it. However, some Guru's greater than I, have discovered how to do most any command. I think they utilize the theory of the notify stop/start scripts and modify it to a simpler function.

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified
Thanks Bob, I know it's a security hole, but it can save you sa well...
I tried to restore it from version 6 (it was still there in version 6 mp5), together with some lib's, but it gives me a Segmentation Fault (core dumped).
Let's hope somebody responds with a new method of getting/puuting files on a client.

Level 6
It gets worse! Now bpdir is gone too.
I use bpdir to list /usr/openv/netbackup for exclude_list and include_list
Now I've been blinded except for looking up through the restore commands/utilities.

Level 5
Okay, curious now!  Where are the bpgp and bpdir commands located (pre 6.5), and what do they do?

Level 6
bpgp is a file transfer program that runs over the netbackup TCP/IP ports. You can "get" or "put" files from the master and a client.
bpdir allows you to see what is in a directory on a client.