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unable to delete media server from EMM DB

Level 3

Hi All,


I am trying to decommission a media server, for which i used nbdecommission command but failed. Later i tried removing the host manually. Below is the error.


I do not see any STU/STUG/SLP/media/drives/robots assigned/configured to this media server.

Master server is at

Media server is at


# vmglob -listall -b | grep -i mediaserver

# bpmedialist -mlist -h mediaserver

nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename mediaserver -machinetype media
NBEMMCMD, Version:
The function returned the following failure status:
the media is allocated for use (199)
Command did not complete successfully.

Looking for somehelp in regards to this issues. Please let me know any logs needed to analyze the issue.


Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions

Level 3
Finally I was able to delete the media server from configuration. Symantec support suggested to increase the logging and asked to retry the nbdecommission command to capture the logs. But fortunately/unfortunately this time nbdecommission command exited successfully and couldn't find root cause :( Following are the instructions/steps suggested by Symantec engineer. 1) Verify that the following logs are in place: /usr/openv/nebackup/logs/admin -> if the admin directory does not exist create it. /usr/openv/logs/nbemm -> if the nbemm directory does not exist create it. 2) Then open putty session to themaster server and cd to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin and enter this command: vxlogcfg -a --prodid 51216 -o all -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6 3) Ensure that legacy logging is turned up on master server: - Open the Netbackup Administration GUI. - Go to the host properties of master\media server. - Select the logging tab. - Uncheck robust logging and set global logging value to 5. - stop\start the NetBackup daemons\services. 4) At this point try to delete the media server from EMM or use the nbdecommission utility to decommission the media server.

View solution in original post


Level 3

no media are assigned to this media currently. Respective o/p is already posted.

# bpmedialist -mlist -h mediaserver

No devices are assigned to this server.

# vmglob -listall -b | grep -i mediaserver

Still unable to remove it from EMM. By the way i used nbdecommission command to decom this media server which done all the work but failing to dete entry from EMM.



Partner    VIP    Certified



and make sure you did followed the below steps.. 

you need to move the the assing tapes to another media server before you go and delete the media server, 

condition:-both new and old meida servers showld have the same robot contor drives.

follow below commands in order

bpmedia -movedb -allvolumes -oldserver <old_server> -newserver<new_server>
nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -machinename -machinetype media
nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename -machinetype media
remove from bp.conf of master 
you can use media server decomminsion tool
hope this helps.. 

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

See if there are images assigned to this media server :  

bpimagelist -media -idonly -server <media-server> -s 1/1/2005

Check resource allocation as well:

nbrbutil -dump |grep <media-server>

Partner    VIP    Certified


check nbrbutil -dump | grep -i  <mediaserver>  if its showing any allocations.. 

if yes..

use nbrbutil -resetmediaserver <mediaservername > then try removing..

Level 3


No allocations found

# nbrbutil -dump | grep -i mediaserver

No images also found

# bpimagelist -media -idonly -server dio -d 1/1/2005



Partner    VIP    Certified

just what to confirm, did you use the media server name in below command or just meidaserver

nbrbutil -dump | grep -i mediaserver

it should be 

nbrbutil -dump | grep -i <media server name>

Level 3

# nbrbutil -dump | grep -i mediaserver


Yes i used my media server name, couldn't find any allocations.

Partner    VIP    Certified

i would suggest you to go with clean restart of netbackup master server and they try removing the media servers.

make sure your restart of netbackup is releasing all the allocations ..

before stoping netbackup.. do 

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil -resetall

//usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil -dump | wc -l     --->  it should return 9 , if not use the reset command again.. untill you get 9 

and then stop the netbackup. and start it agian..


hope this helps.. 

Level 3

Tried clean restart as well. but no luck.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Post output of following in order.

nbemmcmd -machinealias -getaliases -machinetype media -machinename machinename


nbemmcmd -machinealias -machinename machinename -machinetype media -deleteallaliases -machinename <machinename>
nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -machinename machinename -machinetype media
nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename machinename -machinetype media


Replace highlighted with your orphaned media server name

Hope this helps

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Possibly time to open a Support call. 

Seems sql commands will be needed to clean out orphaned EMM entries.

Level 3
Finally I was able to delete the media server from configuration. Symantec support suggested to increase the logging and asked to retry the nbdecommission command to capture the logs. But fortunately/unfortunately this time nbdecommission command exited successfully and couldn't find root cause :( Following are the instructions/steps suggested by Symantec engineer. 1) Verify that the following logs are in place: /usr/openv/nebackup/logs/admin -> if the admin directory does not exist create it. /usr/openv/logs/nbemm -> if the nbemm directory does not exist create it. 2) Then open putty session to themaster server and cd to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin and enter this command: vxlogcfg -a --prodid 51216 -o all -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6 3) Ensure that legacy logging is turned up on master server: - Open the Netbackup Administration GUI. - Go to the host properties of master\media server. - Select the logging tab. - Uncheck robust logging and set global logging value to 5. - stop\start the NetBackup daemons\services. 4) At this point try to delete the media server from EMM or use the nbdecommission utility to decommission the media server.

Partner    VIP    Certified

Thanks for sharing...:-)

Level 6

But fortunately/unfortunately this time nbdecommission command exited successfully and couldn't find root cause

That's what I personally call the "Twenty foot" rule - get within 20 feet of a PC with an issue & it starts to work. Basically, any issue that resolves itself once 'engineers' are involved.