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we want to know backup size, directory wise for a client.

Level 3
we want to know few commands that help us to find following---- (1) to know the size, tape info for all directories backed for for a paricular client between two dates in a month. (2) to query database to know the contents of a tape containing backup data with size , directory, savetime etc. we found some commands like bplist and some other command but its showing details attribure of backup data. thanks to please respose if anybody knows this.

Level 6
What is it not doing for you?

e.g. for UNIX you could try:

bplist -C client -t 0 -R 2 -s start_date -e end_date /
(use the -R option to determine the depth you wish to investigate from /)

You may also like to investigate bpimagelist - produces status report on NetBackup images or removable media

bpimagelist -d start_date -e end_date -U -client client
bpimagelist -d start_date -e end_date -U -client client -media

There are many other options available for these commands (see the man pages or Admin Guides).

Level 3

we ran this command before and got the below result but we need exact backup data (like c:\, d:\ etc) with exact size backed up if possible volume completion time information. sorry it could be easy query for you but we are new to netbackup and only worked on legato networker. we just for netbackup in out environment.

# bpimagelist -d 05/02/2010 -e 05/11/2010 -U -client cscrmval -media
Media ID   Last Written       Server
--------   ----------------   ----------
002240     05/11/2010 06:08   csbkpms1
002234     05/11/2010 06:08   csbkpms1
002248     05/04/2010 19:03   csbkpms1
002231     05/04/2010 19:03   csbkpms1
002235     05/03/2010 19:19   csbkpms1
BZ9171     05/02/2010 19:51   csbkpms1
BZ9166     05/02/2010 01:30   csbkpms1

Level 6
unless you have multiple data streams.

The command I quoted above will give you sizes.

bpimagelist -d start_date -e end_date -U -client client

# bpimagelist -hoursago 24 -U -client myclient
Backed Up              Expires           Files     KB      C      Sched Type   Policy
----------------          ----------         --------   --------  -       ------------        ------------
05/10/2010 18:50  06/10/2010       32       96      N      Differential    UNIX....
05/10/2010 18:50  06/10/2010      841     7647  N       Differential     UNIX....

But this policy has two backup selections (directories), hence the two output lines, not sure what the output would be like for ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES with multiple data streams set.

I can confirm that you would get the same sort of result for a policy with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES & multiple data streams:

Backed Up              Expires           Files     KB      C      Sched Type   Policy
----------------          ----------         --------   --------  -       ------------        ------------
05/10/2010 23:19  06/10/2010     8623  1847751  N  Differential Win2003
05/10/2010 23:00  06/10/2010          16   853788  N  Differential   Win2003

The two entries here are C:\ and Shadow_Copy_Components

Level 3
we need something like below but with backup size of directories (drives in this case).

root@chev1bkp2:/# bplist -l -b -C cscrmval -t 13 -R 1 -s 05/11/10 -e 05/11/10
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /C/     ------- need backup size also
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /D/
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /E/
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /Shadow Copy Components/

Level 3

we need something like below but with backup size of directories (drives in this case).

root@chev1bkp2:/# bplist -l -b -C cscrmval -t 13 -R 1 -s 05/11/10 -e 05/11/10
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /C/     ------- need backup size also
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /D/
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /E/
drwx------ root      root                0 May 11 06:08 /Shadow Copy Components/

Level 6
I don't think you are going to get anything at the directory level unless multiple data streams is employed as this essentially results in separate child jobs which the bpimagelist reports on. Unfortunately, as you can see, the bpimagelist will provide you the totals, but not details of which stream it is reporting on - so you will probably have to do an 'educated guess' for this.

It would be good if bplist could provide you with the info you require in its output, but that isn't an option & the overhead or resources I think that would be required to make this so would make the bplist function unusable - it will report on individual file sizes but not for directories.

Level 6

Level 6
bpcatlist can produce very similar output ( ) to bplist which as stated doesn't appear to be giving the info required

i.e. bplist can show the directories backed up but not sizes thereof & bpimagelist the sizes per stream (but not identifying the directories directly).

Can you expand?