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wingui log om media server constantly filling up

Level 5

does anyone know how to turn this off? the wingui folder in the logs directory keeps filling up. The triuble shooting tab on the media server has all the debug levels set to zero. I have been handed this server by someone else so am not sure what he did to have wingui log overflowing all the time.smiley


does anyone know?


Accepted Solutions

Level 5

Although the settings in nblog.conf were correct, there were two old nbconsole processes still running on the media server which had picked up the old settings and were merrily logging away to wingui.

So killed nbconsole processes and log files stopped. Didn't start logging when I started console again. Something to watch out for on windows!!

View solution in original post


Level 6

Which one's that?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I'm with Andy on that, but if it is indeed a NetBackup log, simply delete it. NetBackup only logs to folders that exist.

Level 5


keeps filling up on media server - driving me nuts angry

Level 5

can't delete it - it's connstatntly writing data to it. No one know this log folder?

Level 6

Is that the actual log or a folder with logs in it?

If the former what sort of contents ? If the latter what sort of file names?

Only reference I can find on KB (but that's moot!) for "wingui" references unified logging .....


There's plenty on the KB regarding controlling of NetBackup logs:

DOCUMENTATION: Best Practice recommendations for enabling and gathering NetBackup (tm) logging

DOCUMENTATION: How to configure Veritas NetBackup (tm) to write Unified and\or Legacy log files to a different directory

& plenty of links within those to other useful T/N's.

Level 5

folder with logs in - logs are in .log format writes about 50mb every 20 minutes

Level 6

- but what type of name?

Similar to this? (Per one of the T/N's I quoted earlier)

"Unified logs are written to the /usr/openv/logs directory on UNIX systems or the <install_path>\NetBackup\logs directory on Windows systems. An example of a log file that would be generated would be: 51216-111-990921226-060318-0000000000.log"

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



Andy is correct it is a unified log. Go to /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf and look for OID 263 and set both debug and diagnostic to 0.

Level 6

Nice post from Martin that I had bookmarked (a year later, not sure if it ever got published?):

Level 5

using commnd vxlogcfg -r -p 51216 -o 263


checked nblog.conf file and settings have gone for wingui - but it's still logging - grrrrrrrrr

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hmm, I would stop services, edit the nblog.conf manually, then restart. I've seen vxlogcfg fail to work on quite a few occasions.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified


That looks like TECH75805.

NetBackup Unified and VX Logs and Troubleshooting


Level 6

Had a quick browse on the KB, but we know how productive that can be!

Level 5

I've done everything on here - changed conf file, set debug and diag to zero, stopped and started services. yet the media server is constantly filling up with large log files in \netbackup\logs. All start with 51216-263* been to Symantec and they have just suggested the above which I have done but I just can't stop it logging. Can anyone help?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

"been to Symantec"

Let the engineer know that the advice/suggestion did not work and ask for your case to be escalated.

Level 5

Although the settings in nblog.conf were correct, there were two old nbconsole processes still running on the media server which had picked up the old settings and were merrily logging away to wingui.

So killed nbconsole processes and log files stopped. Didn't start logging when I started console again. Something to watch out for on windows!!