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Need to create a report with exclusions

Not applicable

We are using OpsCenter

Is it possible to create a backup failure report that:

1) Excludes all jobs for policies with the words "TLOGS" in it's name

2) Excludes all jobs for  policies that start with the word "TEST" 

2) Excludes all jobs that are for SLP policies



Level 6

I't possible but you should to use SQL Queries.

It's not possible to do it from web gui wizards.

Level 6

You can do custom report as well. not just sql. Custom report has more filters to select.

Level 6

Wait a minute, you can do it from AFB report.

Did you try All Failed Backup report?

From available filters of the report you can go to Policy and select Policy name as filter and select only policies which you want to see in the report. You can do that by holding ctrl key and select policies one by one. And doing that actually you will be able to exclude your policies which has name TLOGS or TEST or SLP.

And there is another way to exclude SLP jobs. As they are duplication jobs you should go to JOB filter and select job type for the column name and select only BACKUP. this will automatically exclude duplciation jobs, (SLP jobs)