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Report Generation very strange !!!

Level 5

I'm french user's Storage Exec 5.5, so excuse me for my language Smiley Happy.

I'd like to create one scheduled report to monitor my volume which contains my user's storage. For this, I use a copy of Space By Partition query.
This query display "Space Allocation Object" (my Windows volume), "SizeUsed", "Space Allocation Percent" and "Space Limit". Data source is "Space Allocation Ressources".
All the others parameters are blank.

To launch this query, I've created one Report. The problem is very strange :

  • When I use html or txt format, the document generated have the last display columns blank
  • When I use Active HTML, the columns doesn't contains the good values. It seems to be inversed
  • I'm not using Excel format.
The only format which generate correctly array with value is TSV. It's not very nice to diffuse this type of document !!!Smiley Mad

Have you any ideas for generate more userfriendly report ?

And one little question... Can you explain me the difference between "Report Break" and "Report Break and sort option" ?


Level 5
My first problem was resolved by changing regional settings parameters.

Perhaps, my second question is already up to date !