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BESR 2010 MS and Domain Controller

Level 3
So...we purchased the version 8.5 Management Console roughly 6 months ago. It's been running - OK on our SBS 2003 machine with 10 clients. We've had our issues - some I might consider serious - but so long as I restart the server and prune the "old" images, things are manageable. I decided that we needed to stay current and upgrade our users to 2010 in the hopes that things would be 'better' and maybe some of the little niggling problems would go away. I'd also avoid the "skipping a version" problem that always brings a large upgrade invoice later down the road for the Boss.

Why do we have the management console? Afterall - our network is miniscule. I know some of you are asking that...well...I'm the only 'technical' guy here and I need to make sure backups are happening when they're supposed to...too many times before things would slip through the cracks. I can't go running to every machine all the time.

I digress.

In addition to our 2010 client upgrades we now have the FREE 2010 Management Solution...after reading the Admin Guide and taking some deep breaths...I decided it was time to take on a whole new set of challenges. I set off to upgrade my single SBS 2003 server - a domain controller - and the very heart and essence of our small yet growing business.

Well, it's a no-go. Somewhere along the line I completely missed the mention that you cannot install 2010 MS onto a domain controller for whatever reason. So...while I guess it could be worse...I'm kinda stuck at version 8.5 (2010 clients can't be managed with the 8.5 management console from what I read). No...I don't have 1000 seats...but I'd still like to manage my users!
So...while FREE...the 2010 MS seems to bring with it such a massive requirement set that it is not usable

Unless someone has a *simple* workaround????

Employee Accredited
Somewhere along the line I completely missed the mention that you cannot install 2010 MS onto a domain controller for whatever reason.

Where did you read this?

Employee Accredited
Apologies, ignore that previous comment.

Level 3

I feel better now!

Happy New Year!

Level 3
Were you able to get it installed onto the DC? I tried installing it using the Symantec Management Installation, and cannot install it due to the server being a DC. Ugh, not good. I was hoping this build would clear up some of the bugs I've run into with the program, but if I can't install it onto my server, it's useless. Way to drop the ball on that one. I didn't see any mention of that in the documentation.

Level 3

No joy. I haven't found any sort of workaround...but to be fair...I haven't been working on it. It splashed that dialog up and I wasn't gonna futz around any further as this server is the only one I'm lucky enough to have. So at the moment and for the foreseeable future...I'm stuck with 8.5.

Level 2
I'm also trying to install BESR 2010 MS on our only server with the same results.

I could not find any reference to this limitation in the guides so I am assuming it is not an intended behaviour.

Any workaround would be greatly appreciated.

Level 3
Chris, any suggestions? I'm afraid I don't have another server to install this to, so I need a solution on how to get it on a DC.... I'm surprised more people haven't brought this up as an issue. It seems more and more software isn't being allowed to be installed on DC, why is that?

Employee Accredited
I'm trying to get some confirmation on this for you. I will post back here once I get some more information.

Employee Accredited
I've had it confirmed that BESR-MS cannot be installed on domain controllers at this stage. I will be creating a technote so that this is documented.

Sorry I don't have better news for you.

Level 3
That's ridiculous. Please let me know if you find a work around. In the meantime, I'll be looking for replacement software.

Level 2
 Chris Riley, so if you only have one server (Small Business Server) and purchased this product for your server  "Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 for Small Business Server", notice the product name "for Small Business Server" how do you get it installed?  SBS has the domain controller on it.  Do I need another product?  Need Symantic to come up with a solution for me, saying Its Confirmed is not help.

Thanks, Michael

Level 2
any news about that ?

Employee Accredited

If you only have one server, I'm not sure this is the right product for you. If you only have 1 server and 50 (for example) desktops that you want to manage; your only option at this point is to setup a dedicated server and install BESR-MS on that.

Level 3

The 8.5 version filled an actual need for at least this little business...the v10 product kinda took a good chunk of that functionality's keeping me from upgrading the rest of my fleet really.

I guess we kinda need to know if this is a "bug" or a "feature" - Was this the intended function of the new v10 Management System or is it "just" something that needs to be fixed...or we just don't know yet?

Employee Accredited
This is not a bug. The following explains the limitation:

Level 5
Partner Accredited

This is prerequsites for BESRMS 2010 installation
--> Only on Windows 2003 32 bits
--> This server must don't have DC function
--> IE 7, IIS 6.

Level 6
Hi All,

I've tested to run BESR 2010 on my current DC of WIndows Server 2003 x64 Std. R2 SP2, perhaps the problem is the SBS version of Windows Server ?