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BESR 7.0 Multiple conections error (EBAB03F1)

Level 3
I am using BESR 7.0.1 on my PC and backing up my drive to the Buffalo NAS drive.  I sometimes (not always) get the following error message just begging of the backup job.

---Error EBAB03F1: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again..

Does anyone know how to solve the issue?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Here are some additional suggestions to try to help troubleshoot this issue; if you have not already tried them. There may be additional information about this error message on our knowledge base; you may want to check there as well. In addition, in your response at what specific point during the recovery point image creation process does the error occur?
- Adjust the permissions on the NAS share to give the 'Everyone,' account full read/write permissions.

- Edit the recovery point job to use network throttling to limit the throughput amount of data sent to the share.

- Edit the recovery point job to use performance throttling to limit the percentage of processing time freeing up more for Windows and other applications on the client being backup. 

- Edit the recovery point job to change the level of compression being use.

- Does an image of the same volume capture successfully if it's stored to a local drive or different network location? Verify that we do not get this error if we backup locally (i.e. a 2nd HD, USB, 1394, etc.)

- Use the NAS's IP address then its computer name as part of the UNC path use in the recovery point job.

- Test to see if you have the same issues backing up to a share on a different system.

 - Check, and if needed, run a boot time defragmentation software for the used and swap file space on all client systems


Level 3
I receive the error message at just the beginning of the backup task.  The "Progress and Performance" window says "Initializing", "Waiting" and then generates the error message.  It takes at most several seconds to get the error.

I found the workaround for the problem.  If I started the backup job by right-clicking task tray icon, navigate "Run Backup Now" and click backup job name, I encounter the error.  If I start the same job from BESR console (Task > Run or Manage Backups > Run Now), the backup completes without error.

- Edit the recovery point job to use performance throttling to limit the percentage of processing time freeing up more for Windows and other applications on the client being backup.

I am allowing half of full performance to the backup job.

- Does an image of the same volume capture successfully if it's stored to a local drive or different network location? Verify that we do not get this error if we backup locally (i.e. a 2nd HD, USB, 1394, etc.)

As the error message indicates network error, I don't think I receive the error if I backup to the local drive.

- Use the NAS's IP address then its computer name as part of the UNC path use in the recovery point job.

I am using IP address instead of the host name. \\ip_address\share_name

Level 4
This is actually a limitation in Windows that effects the Buffalo drive. Windows will not allow more than one connection to a server.
Buffalo suggests the following.
We were scratching our heads on this one too. "What do you mean you can't connect!!! YOU ARE ALREADY CONNECTED!!!"