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Cannot boot using custom restore disk into HP 8200 Elite SFF

Level 2

I have tried searching for known issues, and found this TECH article: TECH162698 which most closely matches my issue. 

I am reporting that I cannot boot off a custom restore disk on the HP 8200 Elite SFF.  However, using the exact same USB thumb drive, I can boot into the HP 6000 SFF with no problems.

When I try to boot on the HP8200, I can get past the initial Windows is loading files screen, but then I get this error message:

Windows failed to start.  A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.  To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturor for assistance.

Status: 0xc0000017

Info: An unexpected error has occured.

I have tried both the English-only and Multi-Language restore disks, and with both System Recovery 2011 Desktop Edition, as well as System Recovery 2011 Desktop Edition SP1.

The English only custom restore disk fails to boot at all.  When I use the Multi-language restore disk, I receive the message above.  Again, THIS WORKS on the HP 6000 Pro Small Form Factor with the same exact thumb drive.

Any ideas?


Employee Accredited

I'm currently working with a customer for a similar issue although the English recovery disk does boot fine for them. They need to use the multilingual disk though.

Does the 8200 Elite have a EFI enabled BIOS? If yes, can you try and configure it for 'legacy' boot to see if this helps?

Level 2

I checked the BIOS on the 8200 -- is there any overt way to tell if it's an EFI BIOS? I don't see any settings that reference legacy boot or anything like that.  I did try to update to the most recent version of the BIOS, with no change.  I will try the English recovery disk on the most recent BIOS to see if that makes any difference...

Employee Accredited

As per:

Page 87 says:

The BIOS supports two boot mode; UEFI and legacy

I'm not saying this is a certain way to fix this but it's worth a try.

Level 2

I double checked, and in the boot menu, the thumb drive is recognized as a 'legacy' device, under the 'hard drive' section. I also upgraded to the latest version of the BIOS, with no change.  Neither the multi-language or English-only disks will boot on the 8200.  sad

Employee Accredited

It's not clear if you have actually configured the BIOS to use 'legacy boot' or not...? See my previous comments..

Not applicable

I can report this problem too. I tried to boot from the english only recovery disk, but this failed. The mui version did the same. The only difference is that booting the english bootmedia, the system loads the files and hangs up on showing 100% on the progress bar. The mui bootmedia prdouces an unexpected error 0x000000d.


HP Elite 8200 CMT

BIOS config

"EFI boot" and "Data Execution Prevention" are disabled.


On a HP Elite 8000 CMT the two recovery disks boot like a charm.

Level 2

Please see the screenshot attached to this post.  I am accessing a custom-boot menu, where I can select to boot off of 'Legacy Sources' or 'EFI Boot Sources'

As displayed in the screenshot, the SanDisk thumb drive that I am using is listed as a 'Legacy Boot Source' 

If I interpret this correctly, this would mean that I am NOT booting off an EFI device, and that I am booting off a 'Legacy' device.

If you need more information, please let me know.


Level 3


I struggled against this issue with an HP 6200 and found a fix.


1st: make the changes at the site below (they are for lenovo but the BIOS steps are very similar):

(I also turned off the OS management of Execution security services, not sure if that helped though. This option is in the same place in the setup menu)

2nd: Use the multi-language CD to boot. Works like a charm but only after the step above.

Not applicable

I am currently fighting a similar issue with the 8200 CMT, but my Uefi bios does not even recognize the USB stick and thus bypasses it and boots to the OS

Level 2

I can confirm that the fix recommended above by Yakima "Possible Fix" worked for me on a new Lenovo Thinkcenter M91P computer.  I like to make a bare metal image backup of all new computers before I start to customize them for clients. Therefore I use the SSR 2011 SRD boot disc to create my initial backup file.  I created a SSR 2011 SRD boot disk on a USB flash drive and a DVD disc.  When trying to boot the Lenovo M91P from either the USB flash drive or DVD disc I would get the following error message:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturor for assistance.

Status: 0xc0000017

Info: An unexpected error has occured.


The same SSR 2011 SRD Flash drive or DVD disc would boot fine on my other non-Lenovo computers.  Called Lenovo support and they had no clue.  After further reseaching and finding this post, I made the recommended changes to the bios on the Lenovo M91P and the system then successfully booted from both the SSR 2011 SRD flash drive and the DVD disc. 

Here are the exact changes I made to the Lenovo M91P bios settings:

  1. boot to bios setup
  2. select "advance" menu option
  3. select "cpu setup"
  4. select "execute-disable bit" - set to "disable".
  5. save bios settings
  6. reboot to Symantec SSR boot media - either flash drive or DVD disc.

This worked for me.

P.S. - Strange thing is that the same Lenovo M91P computer booted up fine from a BESR 2010 SRD disc without making changes to the bios.  Obviously there is something that  changed between BESR 2010 and SSR 2011.  Hopefully Symantec and Lenovo support are reading these posts.