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Getting the "Hang" of SSR2011

Level 2

I've reinstalled SSR2011 and the hangups are still occurring on my server 2003 with Exchange 2003.  It would create backups ok, and then a few hours later would hangup and stop responding.  This is when Exchange stopped working and then eventually the Server locks up and had to perform a cold restart.  Looked in the processes and there are no resource hogs...plenty of memory and cpu usage available.  Today I had to perform a 2nd restart already...probably another one at the end of day. 

This is the error:

Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for a transaction response from the Symantec System Recovery service.

This error would appear every minute for about 6 hours until it hangs up.  As soon as I see this error..I knew the Exchange server is going to stop functioning sooner or later.  Sorry about the quick post and not reviewing this.  If anybody have any idea why this is happening or if there is a solution, please let me know.  Thanks!


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Is there any additional discription to the error, does it generate this error in the Windows event logs; if so can you reply with as much of the verbage as you can?  Can you perform the following command: adplus -crash -pn -FullOnFirst Vprosvc.exe  -o c:\adplus before reproducing the hang. Restart the BESR prior to the imaging, let it image near the end run the adPlus issue. When the error message occurs "Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to debug the program" is displayed, Collect the dump before clicking "OK" (that is, before application restarts).

Level 2

This is the Event Log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7011
Date:  10/3/2011
Time:  10:41:52 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: SERVER2
Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for a transaction response from the Symantec System Recovery service.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

No backups ran over the weekend and Server is up and running fine today.  I ran a manual backup this morning and it completed.  After about 2 hours, the server again starts getting the Error above every minute.  Again, it'll lockup the server and I have to cold restart.

I will perform the AdPlus later today if possible. Thanks!

Level 3

I've checked the server today and it started the error once again and didn't start the backup process.  It once again locked up just when I right click a file.  I'm remoting into the server so I cannot cold reboot it or do anything until tomorrow morning. 

To be continued....

Level 2

It's been almost a month and issue still remains with the Server locking up a few hours or less after it completes the backup.  I am wondering if this is caused by VSS and Exchange 2003.  I've applied different patches with no solution.  It appeared whenever it creates a recovery point, then it'll lockup.  When it is creating an incremental backup, it will not lockup. 

I've read somewhere that someone created a batch file to run before the snapshot creation that would stop the exchange services and a batch file to restart the exchange services after the snapshot creation. 

Also, the hanging issue also appeared to be quite known for other backup software as well when VSS is involved.