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Pointers / info in setting up a backup sequence that will overwrite after n runs

Level 3

Anyone point me in the right direction for this?

I (just) upgraded to BESR 2013, and I would like to configure backups so that they overwrite after x number of backups, rather than filling up the external drive. Leaving me to note it's full and then manually delete. (not efficient)


This is configured on two different machines, one cycles fine, the other fills up every few months. Try as I might, I cannot see  what the difference is between the settings on the machines.


 I am sure this is staring me in the face, but as is usual with these things, I need the obvious pointing to me.


Thanks in advance.




Level 3

UPDATE:   I found out how to do this (Sort of...)

I can see that you get the option to define recovery point sets, but ONLY when you're adding a NEW job for a Drive. You don't seem to see the option when setting a backup job for folders.

Is there a way of doing this?

I have a folder with lots of jpeg and raw files in it, I'd like to be able to overwrite the first folder backup after thre or more backups to save drive space.


Can this be done?


Employee Accredited

So you want to do this for a file/folder based backup?

I don't think this is possible I'm afraid. As far as I know, by default, the last six revisions of a file are retained. Note that the first backup will be a full, followed by incremental backups.

Level 3

Thanks for the info. I have looked further and it does seem that only full drive backups can do this.

(Unless anyone knows different)