Forum Discussion

sandys's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.

Hi i got following notification email on my id.

the error says..

Date: 3/22/2012 22:01:30 PM
Notification Type: Error
Priority: High

Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of New Volume (D:\).

Error EC8F03EA: Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.

Error EBAB00CC: Application unable to continue due to lack of memory.

Error EBAB00CC: Application unable to continue due to lack of memory.

Details: 0xEBAB00CC

the sytem is having 4 GB of RAM . and it it utilising more than 3GB of RAM. there are 2 process javaw.exe & services.exe using high memory utilisation.

for reference kindly find the attched scrrenshots.


  • In that case, you really need to look at the apps that are hogging the memory. If you can, kill/restart the apps to see if that free's up some memory.

    I assume that backups run ok for a period of time and then start failing with this error..??

4 Replies

  • A simple reboot will probably fix this.

    Looks like you have some processes/apps that are hogging some memory.

  • thanks for reply but reboot is not possible bcauz it will cause direct impact on the customer business.

    any other option.

  • In that case, you really need to look at the apps that are hogging the memory. If you can, kill/restart the apps to see if that free's up some memory.

    I assume that backups run ok for a period of time and then start failing with this error..??

  • i have disabled the besr service. and then kill the processes through command prompt, and again restarted the besr service. worked in ma case.