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8007000e - Ran out of memory Issue

Not applicable
I have a monday full back up and a tuesday through thursday incremental. After the third day i'm basically getting this error 8007000e - Ran out of memory. I'm pretty new to Backup Exec so i'm having a difficult time getting this to run correctly. I'd like to just get it to fit in our Hp Storage works 1/8 loader. Anything you guys can contribute i'll greatly appreciate. Thanks Guys.

Level 4
Is this an error within the job log?
Or an external error?
Have you ruled out source and destination issues?
Please make sure if it is a Microsoft or Backup Exec issue.
I found this as a Microsoft error message doign a a simple google search.
The answer was
It can happen because you really run out of memory (if the
file file is too large, you have not enough ram and there is
no disk space for the virtual memory file to grow)

Not applicable
If you look in the Event logs, there may be an event for Volsnap 21.  If you research this further, you will see that this error can be caused by fragmentation of the drive, or also due to a memory leak common with 3rd party backup software.  They mention a hot fix for Server 2003 which can be requested from Microsoft Support.
Not sure if this is the error you are receiving or not.  I currently have the same issue, however it only occurs on jobs which backup my BE11d server.  It's hit or miss, and I have yet to find a solution.
Any ideas?