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ADBO off host backup vm file servers in san

Level 3
i have an emc san with several esx hosts attached via fc. one physical backup server is attached to the san via fc as well.

the file servers (vm's) are backuped with agents over the lan to a disk and copied to tape.

because of increased backup times, I would like to use the advanced disk based option (adbo) and especially the off host feature. emc snapview is not licensed.

is it possible to snapshot the fileservers disks (vm's) and mount it on the physical backup server to run off host backup this way? can anybody tell me, whether this configuration is possible or not?

Level 4
Sorry to get your hopes up.  I have been asking for a multitude of assistance with this same setup only I can't get the VM's to backup at all.  I can see them, but I keep getting that access is denied.  But that's besid the point.

I just recently attended a vmware class in which they outlined some of this.  In order for the FC SAN to be able to be used as a proxy, another SAN must be used for the proxy, at least that what they were saying in the VMWare class.

Then the other SAN can be the host for the snapshots from which the backups can be run.  Are you running a BE server as a VM, or on the same virtual network?


Level 6
AVVI =  Agent for Vmware Virtual Infrastructure.  

Leveraging VCB which is VMware's preferred method to do backups...

It creates a snapshot using native technology in Vmware, and BE backups the snapshot.

It's 45% off currently, and licensed by physical hosts.

This is in v12.5.

Level 4
Yes, supposedly, however, even in the BE 12.5 class, it outlines that for the VCB to work properly you need to have the equivilent of 4 servers to perform a backup of the VM's.  You need a proxy, you need a media server, you need a storage server and then a tape storage server.  You can combine them in any way that you like, but you must have all 4 components to make it work.