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Appending Tape Problem

Level 3
I'm using BE9.1, I have my Incrimental backup running monday through thursday and a full backup on friday's. I have my append period set to 0 and Infinate and my Overwrite protection set to 5 days. right now everytime I insert a new tape I must erase it before it will append or overwrite to it. Monday through thursday appends great as long as I don't take out the tape but as soon as I do I must errase the tape in order to get it to append or overwrite.

So for example I'll do a full backup on friday and it works great. Monday I'll come in and change the tape which has incremental backups from previous weeks and on tueday when I check the status of the job it will be at 648Kb written. The job still looks like it's running but no more data is being written to the tape.

As soon as I erase the tape it works fine. please help!


Level 3
I rotate tapes. I have 4 full backup tapes, and 4 incrimental tapes, I append to the incrimental tapes on a weekly basis untill full, So 1 incrimental tape could have up to 3 weeks Mon-Thurs, That's why Append is set to Infinate on the incrimental tapes. I rotate Full backup Tapes Every Friday, One problem that I've been having and I'm not sure I can avoid is having to manually erase the tape before the backup Runs. It Seems to fail if I don't. My overwrite period is set to 5 days and Infinate Append for the full backup tapes.

Level 6
Having to manually erase or drag to scrach is caused by the OPP not being passed.

If you have 4 full tapes and write to each one only on every fourth friday an OPP of 26 days for the Fulls should work.

if you have four Incr tapes and append one week's worth to each tape, an OPP of 23 days ought to work.