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B2D Domain A to Domain B is OK but no files are backed up!

Level 6
I'm trying to back up 2 folders from a server in another domain (trusted) to the local BE server.  Both systems are fully current OS (2003 SE R2 SP2 x64) and BE (7170).  The BE server has been making backups of local domain data to tape for a few months now.
I've set the backup to use the proper credentials (Domain admins acct in the remote domain) and the resource credentials test good. 
Under selections include subdirectories is checked.  This is confirmed under View Selection Details which shows like this:  \\remotesystem\E:\TargetFolder\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE
I have "show file details" checked and can see the individual files in the selections area of the job properties.  As you can see I'm backing up via the drive (not a share).
When I run the job the job history and log state the job was successful.  It even verifies as good.  A check of the remote system's event log shows no BE related error (including Security).
Sounds good?
Then why is it reading the job log in detail reveals that NO files are backed up?  Checking the backup files show that only the folder name  so they definitely aren't being backed up.
What about my other backups?  Do I have to manually create a list of files and then compare them to the log to make sure everything is being backed up?

Level 6
You have \\remotesystem\E:\TargetFolder\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE
It should be INCLUDE.

Level 6
That's a typo, sorry.  The selection details shows:
None of my other backup jobs show /INCLUDE and they catch the subdirectories.

Level 6
OK, I've narrowed the problem down somewhat.  I created a non shared folder and was able to back it up.
The folder I'm trying to back up is a replicated folder in a DFS namespace.  I'm not accessing it via the DFS namespace, but directly via the drive on one of the servers.
If this won't work, how do I back up this data?

Level 6
Turns out the problem is a new bug in 7170 that breaks the backups of DFSr replicated shares.  I rolled the remote back to 6235 and it now works.  A patch is supposed to be released "soon".

Level 4
we are using build 6235 and we are also unable to backup DFS folders (found this out after lots of painful tests)
seems that symantec's DFS writer needs to be used, but there are some complaints of speed issues, so we found an alternative.
do a pre and post script for your job, to stop DFS replication service before the jobs starts and start the service after the job has completed.
pre:     net stop Dfsr
post:     net start Dfsr

Level 6
I was able to get it to back up by using 6235 on the remote and 7170 on the server.  Backups work, but they're slow (about 1/4 the speed of regular backups).
It turns out you can't redirect restores of DFS data though.
So think about it.  Your company is sold/merged with another and your responsible for the newly centralized IT group.  As part of this your domain name changes and a complete restructure occurs. 
A month later legal needs some information for a lawsuit.  The info is prior to the merge/acquisition.  You have the data, its on tape.  You can't get it though because you can't redirect it - the DFS servers/shares have all been totally revamped.
Because of this I'm doing the stop/start as you are.
I'm anxiously awaiting the May 24th webcast for DPM Beta 2.  The wheels are in motion.  Veritas is no more and we need a backup solution that isn't massively compromised.

Level 6
I forgot to mention -
If you stop/start the DFS service keep this in mind.  If the stop of the service fails for any reason BE will still do a backup.  It will back up all the folder names and no files.  It will also show the backup as successful in the job log.
Try explaining that to the CEO when data that is needed in an important lawsuit wasn't backed up.

Level 4
Dennis, enable the option "Run job only if pre-command is successful".  that should reduce chances of Backup Exec not being able to stop DFS replication service and still run the backup.  i rather have a backup fail or not run, than run and NOT backup anything.
i used the word reduce, because i have not actually seen it happen yet ... so, it's pretty much untested for me.

Level 4
Dennis, regarding your comment - "It turns out you can't redirect restores of DFS data though".
i ran a test restore for DFS data and redirected it a local drive on the backup server.  the restore completed successfully and data was restored.
you got me very worried there for a while  ;)    apparently, it works

Level 6
Are you using DFSr?  FSR will probably work.
I've tried redirected restores of DFSr data both to the server and the remote.  Both fail and support has reproduced the problem.
Using pre/post commands is a work around but there is a problem with that method.  What if the pre command fails?  If it does only folder names are backed up and the log reports a successful backup.  Youi can set it to not do the backup if the pre fails.  However, does "net stop" report error codes correctly?  I know that some microsoft apps don't.