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BE 12.5 Job Log Error

Level 4
imagebrowser imageHi All,

BE 12.5 throws this error as I double click on the job logs to see what was missed etc ;

It was working fine, as I installed IE7 onto the server (didn't reboot) this started happening ; I have done the reboot and it still comes up.

One thing to note is that this job log is actually 53 Megabytes ;  we have a lto4 and backing up

1.04TB with one backup job.

When I click OK on the dialog box, it shows the job log in txt format

Any suggestions ?

Kind Regards

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Level 4
Hi Craig,

Thanks for the reply, I tried to follow the article but it said that a new version of xml parser already exists on the system ; My Server is running on Server 2003 R2 SP2 with all latest updates applied.

Any other suggestions , Also, I noted that its not a load xml error as it is pointed in the link you sent ; its a constraint violation error (don't know what it is)

Kind Regards

Level 6
Are you running with a lot of detail being logged?  do you need that much detail?  Most job logs are much smaller than 53 meg.

Level 4
Hi Larry,

This is a single job backing up 1 TB + onto the tape ; I assume the job log would be massive as it is pulling data off 3 partitions, 3 virtual servers ;

Yes, the other jobs I have on this server and their job logs are less then that size but will face the same problem, it all happened after I upgraded to IE7 (before and after the reboot).

Level 6
What do you have in Tools | Options | Job Logs for the option to select "information to include in log"?

Level 4
imagebrowser image

Sorry for the delayed response; i was away

The screen shot is attached for your reference ; we have " Summary Information and Directories Processed " Format to display is HTML

Any suggestions ? Their is another Job (backing up only a few directories) running on the same server and it has no problems in displaying the job log.

thanks for your help, i will look forward to your answer.

Kind Regards

Level 6
I would suggest trying "summary information only", upgrading to IE8 (or back to IE6) or breaking the job into two smaller jobs.
Are you emailing these job log?  The html/text option is only controlling email, not logs displayed within the BE GUI.
Otherwise you may need to open a support case and determine if your 53 meg log is larger than IE7 can handle.

Their is another Job (backing up only a few directories) running on the same server and it has no problems in displaying the job log.

I bet that job log is a lot smaller than 53 meg :)

Level 4
Hi Larry,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions ; I will try Summary Information only ; and will open a support case with Symantec to see what they have to say ;  as other job logs are displaying fine its only this one, which is because as you have pointed the size of the job log :)

Will update you tomorrow here with the results

Kind Regards

Level 4
 Hi Larry,

Yes the error has gone and the job log displays properly (no summary info for directories processed) so the job log is much lighter :)

Now, just a quick question ; I have some SQL Database files which gets skipped during this job ; and thus the status is completed with exceptions ; 

I created another job just to backup those db files and they get backed up properly ? any reason why does it skips it in one job and backs them up in another ?

I have tested both of the jobs with AOFO checked and unchecked with same results as BE 12 on Windows 2003 and above automatically uses AOFO (thats what I have heard here somewhere on the forums) but your assurance and guidance would be of great help.

Kind Regards

Level 3
in the first job that combines everything, including the sql database files..what is the selection order? are the sql databases mixed in with the backup? or are they all selected to backup AFTER everything else is backed up?

Level 4
They are mixed in or they are in between as it first backups up the physical server C , D & E Partitions ; then Virtual Server 1 (C,D Partition), then Virtual Server 2 (C - here is the SQL DBs) and so on.

shall I move this to the end. ?

Kind Regards

Level 4
PS : Shall I Backup the C Partition of the Finance Server in the end ? How can I individually move the resource to backedup last ?

Level 3
Depending on what you all back up on that C: partition (if it is just the sql db's then that's fine...but if you are backing up more than just say..system state, etc...then I might create a separate test job of JUST the sql db's and see how that runs..)

Regardless, to change the selection order..simply right click the job, select edit selection list (might say jobs are in use when they are not..just select yes), from there you select (on the left window pane) resource can then take parts of the job and move them up or down in the resource order...try and put the sql db's last and see if that helps...

...and like i said you may even want to just create an entirely separate job that consists of only the sql db's and see if your problems still exist.

let me know how it goes.


Level 4
Hi Wired 137,

Thank you for your reply ; Sorry for the delay as I was away ;

I have tried the following :

A) As it is a Virtual Server which have a SQL DB ; I moved that virtual server right down the order with that partition last - no success

B) I created a separate job to backup just the DBs before this one big job and the DB Files backup fine (This job is targetted towards an external storage)

C) I have now moved this server right on top to see what happens ;

Also, If i create a DB BKUP JOB just before this big bk up job but targetting/writing to the same Drive/Media and will not select "Eject Media" for DB BKUP so that the media is still there when the big job runs. Do you think that would be ok. ?

Will update this by tomorrow again with the results.

Not applicable
Hello Digerati,

have you checked if the SQL license is installed correctly or not, Tools | install options and license keys on the media server.... 

Level 3
If you want to write it to the same drive/media you can do so; since it will be a separate backup job, it should not matter where you target the media. the separate db backup job should run fine and backup, and the big job should run fine as well. I would take out the db being backed up in the big job and just let it run in the separate job so that you do not get any errors.

This way you will have an organized backup; the database will be completely separate from everything else, which will save much confusion and the possibility of errors.

Hope that solved your question!


Level 4
Hi Masti24by7

SQL License ? If I run the DB BKUP JOB seperately it runs fine ; where do you install the SQL License ?