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BE2010 ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact

Level 2


I try to configure BE2010 with Oracle 10g (on Linux RHEL4.8). Fisrt, in Tools->Options->Oracle->Modify List I add logon account 'oracle' for server \\RHEL. Then I configure VRTSralus on RHEL with AgentConfig:

HostUsername: oracle

DatabaseLogin: SYS

Then I create job with selection of desired database Oracle-Linux::\\RHEL\db

When I try to submit job I have this error with RMAN:


Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Nov 23 11:09:33 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
 # RMAN command section
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
 RUN {
     FORMAT 'BE_U'
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact

Recovery Manager complete.

When I submit this script to RMAN directly from user oracle - it works fine.

Please, tell me what I do wrong.

Thank you.


Employee Accredited Certified


Have you checked the below article.

Level 2

Hello AmolZeroCool!


Thank for the answer!

I have read this article, but this didn't help :(

I checked the 'Resource credentials': for RHEL 'Logon account' is 'oracle', and for 'Oracle database' 'Logon account' is SYS. Is this right ?

In beremote.log file I see:

4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : Username for Logon: oracle
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : BENetConfigEx: Successfully refreshed adapter information.
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : ENV: USERNAME=SYS
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : ENV: PASSWORD=<not displayed>
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : ENV: USERNAME=oracle
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : ENV: PASSWORD=<not displayed>


4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : Current Oracle user name (SYS)
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : putenv(ORACLE_SID=jde)
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : putenv(ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIServerAttach() Linux 1
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIINTERCONNECT::LogonOracle: Logon is successful
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIInterconnect: Logon Successful
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIINTERCONNECT::OracleIsRAC:- tq = select PARALLEL from v$instance where instance_name='jde' Sidname = jde
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIINTERCONNECT::OracleIsRAC: query = (select PARALLEL from v$instance where instance_name='jde')
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : CONFIG_ORACLE_ISRAC,TEXT(NO)
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : IsOracleClusterOK: SIDName jde is not part of RAC.
4199ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:40 2010 : OCIInterconnect: logoff successful

f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: DB credentials osAuthenticated (0) tnsname (NULL) login (SYS) password (****)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: Recovery catalog credentials osAuthenticated (0) tnsname (NULL) login (NULL) password (NULL)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: database state (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: Use rman defaults (1)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max read rate (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max bfs size (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max open files (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max files per set (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max bkset size (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN max arch bkset size (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN auto archive log file delete (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN backup archive log files (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN backup type (NULL)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN bfs format (BE_%U)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN bk set id (NULL)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN bk method (0)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN plus archivelog (1)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: RMAN control file auto backup (1)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::dump: Selection list - objtype (1101) objname ()
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runDBJob: utilCommandFile = /var/VRTSralus/runrman.1290508602-B54B81BE-2D05-4CFA-9573-7AA3D378BF7A.tmp
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runDBJob: SqlplusCmdFile = /var/VRTSralus/runSqlplus.1290508602-B54B81BE-2D05-4CFA-9573-7AA3D378BF7A.tmp
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runDBJob: SqlplusCmdFile = /var/VRTSralus/runSrvctl.1290508602-B54B81BE-2D05-4CFA-9573-7AA3D378BF7A.tmp
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsb::createSecureFile: Obtained user id (501) for user (oracle)
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::createRmanCmd: Success in opening rman file (/var/VRTSralus/runrman.1290508602-B54B81BE-2D05-4CFA-9573-7AA3D378B
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runRmanCmd: Starting Oracle Recovery Manager using (/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/rman )
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Function called
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: pipe descriptors. fd[0]=11 fd[1]=12
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Parent Process - Closed fd[1]=-1
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Waiting until child finishes...
f2607ba0 Tue Nov 23 15:36:42 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: ***************** BEGIN LOGGING RMAN OUTPUT *****************

Do you have any idea ?

Thank you