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BExec 12x64 w/ Exchange 2007 x64 - access denied

Level 2

Have just migrated over to Backup Exec 12 x64 on Windows 2008.  Previously was running backup on Exchange 2007 just fine but now run into a problem at the end of the job.

Using media server 12.0.1364 w/all available hotfixes

Exchange 2007 Enterprise w/SP1

Server 2008

This is a backup to disc (San connected via iSCSI).



In the job completion status:


Job ended: Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 12:14:37 AMCompleted status: FailedFinal error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied.Final error category: Security ErrorsFor additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33928


In the set detail:


Media Label: IMG000009GRT backup set folder: E:\Data1\IMG000009The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange transaction log Logs was successful.Log FilesThe consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange database Mailbox Database was successful.Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options.  The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file:  '-1206 There is a non-database file or corrupted database. '


All security information seems to check out.  The job options are pretty standard, but I do include GRT.


Any information would be helpful...really don't want to revert back to our old box.

Message Edited by Chris Babyak on 07-31-2008 08:37 AM
Message Edited by Chris Babyak on 07-31-2008 08:37 AM

Level 3



Have you tried diabling  "Perform consistency check before backup when using Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot Provider." under the "Microsoft Exchange" settings of the backup job properties?



Level 4

Hi Chris (and others struggeling with this problem)


This is the solution I found yesterday that worked for my setup.


My setup is:

Windows 2003 domain controllers

Both Exhange 2007 and 2003 servers (migration in progress)

BE12 installed on Windows 2003 server.


1. Install Outlook on the server that holds BE12.

2. Make a new user account i AD, that has a unique name and unique mail-address on the new Exchange 2007. The name must not be contained in any other name in the "Global address list" (very important).

3. Open Outlook on the server that holds BE12 and set up a profile for this new user, and open outlook with this user, just to make sure it is active.

4. Make this new user member of "Domain Admins" in AD and also member of all three "Exhange Admin Roles" on the Exchange 2007 server. This is done in the "Exchange MMC"

5. This new account must be added in BE12 as a new "Network"--"Logon account".

6. When selecting the Exchange 2007 folders and Information Stores for a backup job, be sure to use this new account as the "Logon account" for your Exchange 2007 server and all the "Microsoft Information Store(s)" you have. You can set this under "Resource Credentials" for the backup-job, and test it too.


That should do it. 

Good luck!

