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Backing Up Groupwise on Netware with BEWS

Level 2

(Apologies in advance...I am having this problem on BEWS 11d but with things pretty quiet over in that forum, I was hoping that someone here might be able to offer some guidance.)


Hello.  I am running BEWS 11d along with the Agent for Netware Servers.  Regular backups of my Netware Servers have been fine.

Now I need to back up a Netware server that is running GroupWise.  I have added  the "EnableGW=yes" switch to the load of TSAFS.NLM.

Is there anything else I need to do to do a backup of GroupWise?  I have seen references to using TSAFSGW.NLM but I can't find that NLM on our servers.

I have also seen references to using GWTSA when backing up GroupWise.

Is there a "best way" to backup GroupWise with BEWS 11d?  Or are all these options just as good as any of the others?

With any of these options, should I expect to see anything different in my BEWS console related specifically to the post office(s)?  The reason I ask is because on a previous job I had used ArcServe to backup an Exchange post office, and that required a separate agent and was also a separate selection during the backup process.

Thank you.



Level 6

I have not touched GW in 8 years, so I really can't help with specific advice any more (old and forgetful now :)), but I would say two things:


One is that considering the importance of what you are backing up, if you do not get a clear answer, you should call Symantec and pay for a support call. Second, is that NetWare is going away, and you should be planning your migration strategy since even Novell's OES2 runs on Linux as a preference.


Considering the limited support you will be able to receive from Novell and other software vendors over time, to continue on for any length of time is asking for trouble.

Level 2

We use TSAFSGW on ours, all you have to do is add it to your autoexec.ncf as such:




thats it.  when you refresh your agent list in BE, you will see a GW option.