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Backup Exec 12.5 - Does Transaction Log flush reset transaction log numbering?

Not applicable
We are flushing the committed exchange transaction logs after full backups.  We recently ran into the issue of our transaction logs hitting the maximum numbering scheme for exchange the that dismounts the mailbox stores.  Is Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 supposed to reset that count after is flushes those committed logs.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
If you have the exchnage license and doing the full backup of exchange then your exchange logs should be flushed automatically after the full backup.

There are couple of reasons when logs not flushed

1> Not doing a full backup
2> Circullar logging is enabled in the exchange
3> Doing a snapshot backup (only with exchnage 2003 and 2000). Exchange 2007 onwards all are snapshot
4> If some issue with the exchange itself