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Backup Exec 2010 R3 problems on Red Hat 5.6 server

Level 2

Just updated to Backup Exec 2010 a few months ago, and just recently moved my Red Hat 5.6 server that is running Oracle onto this backup server.

Ran into 2 problems that I cant seem to figure out.


Problem one: Post Script command

I have a nightly backup job that runs a pre script that shuts down the oracle instance. After the backup runs, the post command then launches a script that brings the instance back up. Problem is, the post script is not working. Pre command runs great, database comes down, backup runs, and then, according to the backup log, the post command runs with no problems. The problem is, the oracle instance never comes back up. If I log into the red hat server and launch the same script manually, it works great, instance is up. Any ideas?


Problem two: restores to red hat

OK, this was not a problem in red hat 8.5, but here goes. I have 2 oracle servers, production and development. every couple months, I have to restore certain directories from the production backups onto the dev server so that the dev server has the same data as production. In the past version, I would uncheck the "Preserve Tree" option in the restore job, and then set the file redirection to restore to the directory I want. The backup set I am restoring is a couple directories deep, and in the past, if I unchecked the preserve tree option, it would still hold the directory structure of the backed up set.


I back up the following directorys: \u10\app\applprod\apps\apps_st


The 2 folders under the apps directory are all that is backed up, and all that is restored. In previous version, If I restore the \u10\app\applprod\apps directory, with preserve tree off and file redirection set to \u10\app\appltest\apps\, I would get those two folders, apps_st and tech_st in the apps folder. Now, on the new version, it strips those two folders, and in the apps folder, I get all the content of both of those folders in one directory. If I turn preserve tree back on, my restore results in \u10\apps\appltest\apps\u10\app\applprod\apps\......

This worked in 8.5, not in 2010. Am I doing something wrong?


   VIP    Certified

RHEL 5.6 is not supported by BE 2010.  BE 2010 only support up till RHEL 5.4 See the SCL below

BE 2010|2010 R2|2010 R3 Software (SCL)

Also, if you are using Oracle 11g R2, it too is not supported by BE 2010 on the Linux platform.  Again, see the SCL.

Level 2

Oracle DB is 11g R1


and the SCL says Red Hat enterprise is supported up to and inclueding 5.7

   VIP    Certified

Sorry. The copy of SCL on my disk was not the latest.

Not applicable
Partner Accredited


Any update that when Oracle 11g R2 on RH Linux is going to support by Symantec BE.\


Any hope in BE 2012

Please reply.