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Backup Exec 2010 with SQL 2008 Agent

Level 3

Our server has Windows Server 2003 R2/ SQL 2008 Standard Edition and CRM 4 Workgroup with Backup 2010 with an SQL 2008 Agent installed.

I had a problem when everything backed up apart from the crucial created company database for CRM 4 within SQL 2008. The failure stated that there was a corrupt file that could not be verified.

The Symantec technician diagnosed the fact that I was using Advanced Open File and recommended that I created two jobs - one for the main backup with Advanced Open File and a second job for the SQL 2008 without enabling that option.

I have created two seperate jobs within JOB SETUP the main one set at Highest Priority starting at 2300hrs and the SQL Medium Priority starting 4.00hrs.

My question - is this the correct way to do this and how do I know that the second job will not overwrite the first?

I have only ever set up one daily backup and have never been faced with this type of issue. 


Level 6

If you are running backup job to tape . set the second job to append to the tape so it does not overwirte the 1st job . you can find this under the General tab

Level 6

And as instructed by the Symantec technician it is true that Sql backup job shoul be in different backup job without the AOFO option selected . Though the backup job may be successfully wit the AOFO option selected

Level 3
Thank you very much for such a hasty response - the first job is set to Overwrite and the second job is now set to Append

Level 6
Any news??

Level 3

Hi Raul

I copied this from another post that I made wondering if you may be able to help with this.....

I have two questions......

I have a Windows Server 2003 R2 running SQL 2008 Standard, Microsoft CRM 4 (Workgroup) backed up by Symantec Backup Exec 2010 with SQL 2008 Agent. Initially I was having a problem with a full system back then a Symantec Technician told me that one could not run the Advanced Open File system with an SQL backup and that the two backups had to be seperate. On advice from this site I created two jobs - first backing up the main system and files at 23:00hrs setup as an overwrite - the second backing up SQL components starting at 4:00hrs setup as an append on the same tape.

I let the system backup over a week both jobs completing without errors before attempting a full test IDR Disaster Recovery.

Before doing that I created two backups - first for main backup on one tape - second for SQL on another tape. I did this because my instinct told me not to trust the two Daily Backup's onto one tape. 

The first question is -

I inserted the tape with the latest corresponding DR and IDR.iso - during the restore process I selected the corect DR but the Disaster Recovery software spat the tape out everytime as if it could not find the main backup. In the end I resorted to the two emergency tapes. The main backup thankfully restored the major components back to its original state.....I suspect that the first backup has been overwritten?

The second question is -

When I came to reinstall the SQL components the restore fails everytime stating that an SQL Database cannot be restored unless it is in a single user mode. Before restoring I checked the SQL Management Console - the databases did not exist. However after the failed restore the respective SQL Databases magically appears as far as I can see intact.......any suggestions?


Level 6

Have replied to you post . Please mark this as solution if it has been resolved. Thanks