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Backup Exec 2012 - Mac Agent Hotfix

Level 2

Hi guys


I am relatively new to the mac agent on Backup Exec. I have just installed the new hotfix, which states the mac agent needs to be updated. Could someone please advise where I would find the patch files so I can update the agent.


Obviously only after the files I need to install af the HotFix.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

I would assume it would involve copying over the patch, i.e. the .tar.gz file over to the Mac system & then extract the patch using tar xf...install the patch using ./


Here are the exact intstructions per TECH179999

1. Locate the .tar file in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\ or C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\RALUS. These files can be copied to your RALUS/RAMS/RMALS target system and contain the latest available RALUS/RAMS/RMALS patch. Symantec does not recommend uncompressing these files on the Windows media server. Download the hotfix .tar file.
2. Transfer the .tar file to the Linux/Unix system.  Note: If FTP is used to transfer the file, ensure that binary mode is enabled prior to GETting or PUTting the .tar file.  Most GUI-based FTP applications will do this automatically.  For more information, refer to the FTP client documentation.  Do not untar the file on a Windows system as this may corrupt the data.
3. Log in to a command line on the target system with root privileges.
4. Extract the file to a temporary location:
# cd /tmp
# tar -xvf <path and filename, for instance /home/user/ralus1364HF301340-Linux_301342.tar>
5. Run this command and follow any prompts on screen:
# ./

Level 2

Thanks for the info VJware, but I am a little lost with with compressed file Ineed to extract. None of the files listed have the number of the hotfix in it. Any ideas as they are all a lot older than I would have thought.


Just updated BE using HotFix 182395, and none of the files even come close.

   VIP    Certified

The patch file has the hotfix number in the file name e.g. ralus5204HF160008.gz is from hotfix 160008.  You just select the patch file that correspond to the hotfix that you have installed.  If you don't see a patch file after installing the hotfix, this means that the hotfix does not update RALUS.